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Some bugs.


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First post with some bugs, not sure.

Some mesh bugs and (maybe) a script one.


1. Hair mesh problem.


As far as I know, it's only this hairstyle that does it.



What's wrong with it?

Well, we know there's a version with parts missing when wearing helmets and hats right?

For this hairstyle, only the four braids go missing, the top of the hairstyle stays intact.

This means we end up with mild to severe clipping with hats and helmets.


This iron helmet (on a bandit) for example. Only mild clipping (actually becomes more apparent the further away you are)



Hide helmet and ragged cap provide the worst I've seen so far.




I haven't tried with other helmets yet, I can provide more screenshots as I happen across them.


Fur helmet (which should be added to loot lists or whatever they're called by the way. Stupidly rare for such an early helmet) is perfectly fine.


2. Fur gloves mesh.

Specifically I'm talking about the ones the guards wear.

Seems they aren't working with the weight slider properly.


(no screenshot I'm afraid, sorry)


Basically the rim of the gloves on the outer arm don't move with the character's weight so it looks fine on max, but on minimum, there's a big gap (ok maybe not that big but still noticeable) between glove and forearm.



3. Scene scripting in Vilemyr inn (Ivarstead).

Might not be classed as a bug here, but it annoys the heck out of me so I figured I'd mention here as well.


Basically the two scenes between Lynly and Wilhelm happen far too often. That's annoying as it is.

But because of the frequency, two things can happen.


(1) Talk to Wilhelm. The frequency of the two scenes will mean Lynly will start talking to herself nearby.

(2) Ask for a room and Wilhelm will lead you to it. Wilhelm will stand still once he's shown you and will wait for Lynly. Then they'll start talking in front of your bed (excuse me but I would like to sleep please).


I'm pretty sure Lynly keeps complaining about the "ghost" despite the fact he was revealed as a fake (although he probably is a ghost now since you killed him)




I hope these are ok, I don't want to post useless information.

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for the helmets: have you checked in tes5edit, whether one of your mods overwrites some settings on those items or their armor addons? it does not have to be a mesh issue, it could just be, that they are not setuo propperly due to some mod conflict (i.e. weight slider usage and hair disabling can be switched on the esp record itself)

(it looks like argis the Bulwarks haircut, and quite frankly i think it's hard to believe this issue would have gone unnoticed until now for a hair cut used by a popular follower)

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Basically the two scenes between Lynly and Wilhelm happen far too often. That's annoying as it is.

But because of the frequency, two things can happen.


(1) Talk to Wilhelm. The frequency of the two scenes will mean Lynly will start talking to herself nearby.

(2) Ask for a room and Wilhelm will lead you to it. Wilhelm will stand still once he's shown you and will wait for Lynly. Then they'll start talking in front of your bed (excuse me but I would like to sleep please).

I highly doubt that there is anything that can be done to prevent those things from happening with those scenes. There are a number of scenes in the game that have similar behavior. As annoying as it is when they start talking in your room or appear to be talking to themselves, there is only so much that the "conditions" (and scripting) on the scenes can do to account for (or prevent) these odd behaviors.

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for the helmets: have you checked in tes5edit, whether one of your mods overwrites some settings on those items or their armor addons? it does not have to be a mesh issue, it could just be, that they are not setuo propperly due to some mod conflict (i.e. weight slider usage and hair disabling can be switched on the esp record itself)

(it looks like argis the Bulwarks haircut, and quite frankly i think it's hard to believe this issue would have gone unnoticed until now for a hair cut used by a popular follower)


I remember it was like that when I first played the game.

I hadn't used it from then on for that reason until now when I forgot which hairstyle had the problem.


I wasn't using mods at that point.

I don't have any mods that edit vanilla armours besides some texture replacers.

I use Immersive armours that adds some, and one helmet that uses the iron mesh has the same problem.

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