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Floating wall in Ratway Warrens


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Hi there!  This is the first time I've submitted a bug report here, so I hope I'm doing this right.  If not, please bear with me. :)


Way back in the middle of March, I was running a heavily modded Skyrim save when I reached the Ratway Warrens to speak with Esbern.  When I reached the main chamber where the locked door to Esbern's hole-in-the-wall is, I happened across a small mesh displacement by chance.  One of the walls in that room appeared to be floating several inches above the floor, and was obviously not intentional, as the other walls did not display that oddity.  My game was heavily modded, so I wasn't sure if any of my mods were to blame.  I took a screenshot for reference's sake, and continued on my way, never really thinking much of it at the time.


The screenshot is contained below:




If you look closely, you can see the thin stripe of "void color" between where the wall terminates and where the floor begins.


For whatever reason, the wall gap popped up in my mind again this afternoon.  I figured it wouldn't hurt to submit a bug report, so I quickly made a character without any mods loaded and just teleported straight to the Warrens to see if the gap was still there, or if it was a product of my mods from last time.  It was indeed there, so I made four more screenshots to clarify exactly where the offending wall was.




This is an overview of the room in question.  The wall with the gap is the one directly to the right of the iron barred doorway in the opposite corner of the room (with the wooden ramp above it).




This is another image of the gap, from approximately the same distance and vantage point as the screenshot I took on my modded save in March.




This is a closeup I took by using the tcl console command to phase partway into the floor.  The gap is clearly visible from this perspective.


Unfortunately, I don't know how to access the FormID for walls or other structural entities, so I couldn't tell you what this wall's FormID is.  Hopefully, I've provided enough information for someone else to determine it for themselves, though.


Please let me know if there's any other information I neglected to provide that you might find helpful! :)

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Welcome to AFK Mods! :cookies:


Have A Horker Stick! :banana:



AFAIK you can't show the ID at the same time you take a picture in-game, but if you want to know what ID an item has just open the console and click on the object then include the ID in your posts with a picture.


A rule of thumb about having an issue is if you can reproduce it or not without any mods.  If not then it isn't a valid issue unless it can be narrowed down to something specific like this. :)


Here is more information about what can be considered as bugs and not bugs.

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Welcome to AFK Mods!


This section is the forum, meant for discussion. If you want to make a bug report, please use the TracDown section of the site. There you'll find Unofficial Skyrim Patch and after selecting it you'll be presented with green sub-categories to choose where your bug belongs. A floating wall would be Placed References :)


You can get the reference of an item by opening the console (key in top left corner of your keyboard, left to number 1) and clicking on the item. To make sure you've got the right item you can type 'disable', hit Enter and the object should disappear, typing 'enable' will bring it back. (Don't disable/enable actors as it can cause issues)


A good placed reference bug report includes the reference ID of the misplaced object, picture of the issue and, of course, the location. Here's an example.

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Thank you for the assistance and advice, NightStar and Leonardo! :)  I have found the FormID and placed the bug report in the appropriate section.  I appreciate your help!

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