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  1. CoralineKoralina

    Even More Makeup by Koralina - ESL

    Version 1.0.0


    Looking for the most comprehensive makeup mod? Here it is! 26 blushes, 38 eye paints and 21 lipsticks. ESL flagged. You can access the overlays via RaceMenu, Makeup tab. Use it for your personal playthrough or as a resource. Overlays are 2k. Permissions: You can do whatever you want with this mod. Just credit me as the original creator. Installation: Manually or with your mod manager. Credits: RaceMenu Brusheezy 4k version here:
  2. Version 1.1.0


    A collection of digital paint schemes which are used by other mods. This file contains only the Textures and Keywords necessary to use the paint schemes. Do not use this mod unless you have a mod which requires it as a master. This mod requires Fallout 4 version 1.10.980. This Mod has been cleaned with Xedit 4.1.5f. This mod may be downloaded for use during gameplay only. Any other use is prohibited. This mod may NOT be shared, reuploaded or modified without my EXPRESS WRITTEN permission. This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.
  3. With the NextGen update (version 1.10.980), Bethesda introduced a bug which caused textures to disappear from objects following a material swap. This was supposedly fixed with the subsequent update (version 1.10.984), but alas, the best laid plans of mice ... The bug persists. Here is a sample of what is occurring: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tid04r1m2bf3rw00hz6ms/Fallout4-2024-05-24-20-54-46.mp4?rlkey=nupqtf5d40fgsraumkcpqqrkg&dl=0. I made this video on the evening of 24 Mar, 2024. I have submitted this video and a description of the error to Bethesda, and now you know too.
  4. This is happening to quite a few people this past week.
  5. Version 2.0.0


    AnathemaStudio's Stormbringer: Twins A new version of our AnathemaStudio's Stormbringer mod. Adds both the infamous Stormbringer and its feminine twin Mournblade swords, both 2H and 1H (with scabbard) versions, as well as the ability to switch between them at any forge, including the Atronach Forge. These dark, demonic swords hunger for the souls of your victims. They are alive and will howl at the thrill of the hunt. Found in The Midden (under the College of Winterhold). The 2H versions rest on the Daedric symbol of the Atronach Forge. These custom swords are 2K with glowing runes, embedded gemstones that look like a dragon's eye, and scars along their flesh-like black blades from their creation - when the original mythic Dragon Blade was broken into Stormbringer and Mournblade. Stormbringer has glowing red runes and rubies, while Mournblade has glowing purple runes and amethysts. Crafting and Damage: Both swords are powerful; enchanted with a strong Absorb Health, and Soul Trap; they will also heal you when you block. For level 1 character: 1H does 70 damage, 100 crit damage, 84 dps; 2H does 80 damage, 105 crit damage, 96 dps. These stats increase significantly for higher level characters. You can use any forge in the game to switch the 2H versions to the 1H, and vice versa. The current sword will be used as materials in the process, and destroyed. As such, you can only carry 1 set of the swords at a time. **On top of the "Atronach Forge Manual", on the table, is a torn page that you'll definitely want to pick up also. You will need it for the forges. As a crafting hint, look at the number of gems on the swords, and think about what feeds them.** Healing: Our original Stormbringer mod used a note to activate the healing while blocking spell, now the swords are scripted to activate this spell automatically. However, if for any reason it does not work, you can find the "Save Yourself!" note sitting on top of a dresser in the room next to the Atronach Forge. Reading that note will also activate the spell. **You must deactivate and delete the old Stormbringer mod before installing this one. If you don't, what will happen is that the spell will not auto activate on the swords, there could be texture issues, and crash to desktop. ** The Midden: There are three ways to get into The Midden: the trapdoor in the northern corner of the College's courtyard, the trapdoor at the bottom of the stairwell in the College's Hall of Countenance, or through a cave in the northern face of the cliffs that the College sits upon - the rather tricky way to enter it without joining the College. Requires Dawnguard DLC. **This is just a Sneak Peek** We're working on expanding the mod into a quest mod based on part of the Elric saga, written by Michael Moorcock. That mod will include: part of the Elric story, changes to the swords to reflect the "addicting" nature of them, as well as "vocalizations" to both swords, several characters, and Elric's specially enchanted ring. There are parts of TES that are obviously based off Elric's saga, so the mod should flow seamlessly with TES lore. Looking for modders to help with scripting, voiceovers, interiors, and custom character creation. If interested, please contact me through my profile. For those who aren't familiar with Stormbringer and the Elric story: "The most unsettling aspect of Stormbringer is the fact that it is alive and self-aware. The sword can be quite vocal, screaming, grumbling, howling, murmuring, moaning, and even singing at times. It is capable of slaying even gods.... Stormbringer is a manifestation of the Black Sword, a cosmic archetype that can exist in any world of the Multiverse. In some universes, it manifests in other ways... It is even suggested that Stormbringer and perhaps any Black Sword's true form is that of the humanoid demon." - https://stormbringer.fandom.com/wiki/Stormbringer "Stormbringer is a magic sword featured in stories by Michael Moorcock. Created by the forces of Chaos, it is a huge, black sword covered with runes...This powerful enchanted black blade is a member of a demon race that takes on the form of a sword. Stormbringer's edge is capable of cutting through virtually any material not protected by potent sorcery, and it can drink the soul from an unprotected human upon delivering any wound, even a scratch." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormbringer Installation: On PC: Add all BSA files, or files/folders and the ESP file to Skyrim SE's Data folder, which can be found here typically if you have Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data Without Steam, look here maybe: C:\Program Files (x86)\Skyrim Special Edition\Data **If using the BSA files, versus the assets in files/folders, make sure to "register" (list) the BSA files in the Skyrim.ini file (on the lines where all other BSA files are listed), or you will have missing files (looks like yellow exclamation marks). If you don't know how to do this, let me know and I'll tell you.** Compatibility: No known incompatibilities. Though, if running Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM), let my mod win any file conflicts, and load mine later in load order. SMIM may replace vanilla meshes and textures used in the cell that the swords are in. This is SMIM: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8655 https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/3015027 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8655 Also possibly incompatible with mods that modify the WinterholdCollegeMidden01 cell, the Atronach Forge, or change the way the forges function in the game. Mods that add forges or recipes will be fine. If you have a mod that renames the gems or soul gems, for whatever reason, it's not a conflict, but you will need to figure out which items are the standard rubies, amethysts, and black soul gems. Please load this after those mods in your load order. This mod has been cleaned with SSE Edit. Permissions and Credits: Stormbringer: Twins includes custom meshes created by Shroudmoth75, textures created by both Shroudmoth75 and AnathemaStudio, as well as scripts, effects, and misc items created by AnathemaStudio. Healing effect when blocking is, with permission, from chimericWilder's Blade of Rebirth https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8613 This mod is not required. If you want to use the sword in your mod, please contact me for permission first. I check often, so you won't be left waiting, and you will most likely get permission. If given permission, please give credit to AnathemaStudio and Shroudmoth75 for our work including a link back to this mod, and let me know where it is uploaded so we can play it too. When the quest mod version comes out, that is a whole other matter. I can be contacted through my AFK profile or my Nexusmods.com profile at https://www.nexusmods.com/users/4240625 You will need to get permission from chimericWilder for the Blade of Rebirth healing effect separately. They are on Nexusmods.com. Reviews of Our Original Stormbringer Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/43516 #4 in Skyrim Top 5 Mods of the Week #182 (Xbox One Mods) https://youtu.be/ARiHOA7w8uc Skyrim SE Mods - AnathemaStudio's Stormbringer https://youtu.be/LZ_gEq4rYd8 AnathemaStudio's Stormbringer Skyrim SE Xbox One/PC Mods https://youtu.be/fUKKUhZLq9M XBOX Versions: AnathemaStudio's Stormbringer: Twins https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4191593 (Original) AnathemaStudio's Stormbringer: https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4190570
  6. alt3rn1ty

    All about Textures

    Due to Bethesda forums going to a different forum ( Bethesda.net ), reproducing a very useful topic here on AFK Mods just in case all old topics fall off the face of the internet as Bethesda move on, and the old locked forums are no longer maintained. Original research and credit to Martigen ( and all participants in the linked topic who helped ), I am just copying the info to preserve it on AFK Mods --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [!] If you've released a texture mod, or plan to, please read Martigen wrote : I've noticed something about some of the texture mods uploaded to Nexus. This post is to draw attention to good texture mod packaging practices, and generate discussion on techniques artists can use to create such mods. Disclaimer: I'm not actually a texture artist myself, though I have some limited experience manipulating textures (re: MMM), so those more knowledgeable than me please feel free to chime in! The Problem ``````````````` There are so many texture mods of all makes and models that have been released so far, some of them fantastic and very professionally made. However I noticed, delving into the files, that some of them have textures saved in the wrong format, while others often forget mipmaps. And given Skyrim is already more demanding memory wise than its predecessors, it's more important than ever to keep an eye on memory usage when using texture mods. Unfortunately texture mods, especially large ones, if saved using the wrong format can waste a lot of valuable video memory real estate. When video memory reaches its limit, textures are streamed from main memory causing a huge performance loss. There may be users playing now with texture mods that don't realise the sudden FPS jumps and stuttering they're experiencing are due to taxed video memory on their cards. But it's not just performance that takes a hit. Visual fidelity can be sacrificed in order to stay within the limits of video memory. Users are told to run at a lower resolution, or turn down their AA, to recover performance -- but if the problem is a poorly packaged texture mod pushing you past your card's limit, then there may not be a need to do this at all. And if you're an author, keep in mind that if your mod is too demanding people may elect not to use it -- and if you made it to be shared and used, you're losing out from having your work bringing joy to the denizens of Skyrim (read: everyone!) The Example ``````````````` How important is the correct format? By way of example I'm running a good 30 odd texture mods -- some are large replacers (landscape, NPCs, clothing, armour, weapons for example) while others focus on particular areas (objects, architecture etc). I've selectively chosen them to keep within my video card's memory limit -- 1536MB (Nvidia GTX 580). Now there are a lot of amazing texture mods on Nexus, but a fair few I've seen so far don't always use the correct texture formats. A high-profile and popular mod (and I don't mean to single you out Chris!) that's done this is Chris2102's Whiterun HQ Texture Pack. By default this weighs in at 226M zipped, 487M uncompressed. However for whatever reason, while Chris has saved his textures containing an alpha layer and normalmaps correctly as DXT5, there's a large number of textures without alpha also saved as DXT5 when they can be saved as DXT1 for a significant memory saving. Re-compressing Chris's mod using DTX1 where needed gives us:Default -- 487M Recompressed -- 362M A saving of 125M -- and remember no image quality is lost. DXT5 and DXT1 look the same, DXT1 just doesn't store alpha. If we presume the majority of these textures are loaded while walking around Whiterun, and if you're already at your video card's memory limit, not only would this prevent stuttering caused by taxed video memory, but it would also leave enough video memory to go from using no AA at all to 8xAA, or enabling SSAO, or using a mod like ENB. Or simply having more video memory to be able to use more texture mods! And that's just with one mod. Two other examples I've come across inlcude HQ Towns and Villages where recompressing DXT5 textures without alpha to DXT1 netted a 17M reduction in size (which, given all these textures are used at once, is a saving of 17M in-game) and the Blunt Weapon Enhancement Pack which goes from 90M to a tiny 12M, saving 78M -- here, you might not have all the blunt weapons loaded at once but each one gets a saving of around 3M, so if four different blunt weapons are loaded in a cell that's 12M saved. And, of course, the savings from each of mod add up. Now before you get too excited, some of the major overhauls -- including the gigantic Skyrim HD and Vurt's Skyrim Flora are both compressed correctly, and there's no savings to be made. But I have, at least in my list, about 18 texture mods -- of just those that I've chosen to download -- that I found I could recompress to gain valuable video memory back. As an aside, these are all factors that affect video memory usage in addition to textures being loaded:Resolution Anti-aliasing Transparency anti-aliasing Triple buffering SSAO Skyrim: uGrids and extended range tweaks Post-processing mods like ENB Look at this list as a trade off to what you can and can't have if your video memory is approaching its limit -- let alone the use of more texture mods as well. Thus, there's tremendous benefit for texture mod authors to correctly compress and package their mods -- it not only allow users to use your mod in the first place, but as an author the smaller file sizes means it's quicker to upload too. Win! The Solution ``````````````` So if you're a texture modder, what are the guidelines to follow?Remember to generate mipmaps (these help reduce GPU load) Save textures as DXT1 Save textures with alphas as DXT3 or DXT5 Save normalmaps as DXT5 AndIf you've uploaded a texture mod already, and you're not sure about the formats you've used, please check it and re-upload the mod if necessary.Deathb0rn has conveniently linked a table of common texture volumes with the resulting file size after compression at various DXT levels -- this way you can usually tell what compression a texture has by its size. The only thing to add to this is that when a texture is lacking mipmaps, it's usually 33% smaller than the sizes you see in the table. Again my forays into texture creation are limited, so any input from the experts is welcome here -- for example what about bump maps? Specular? Can normal maps be compressed as DXT1 if they have no alpha? Please share your expertise! Incidentally, I've been using AMD's The Compressonator to examine textures, generate mipmaps, compare textures and of course recompress them. It's a brilliantly easy tool to use, and its image comparison feature especially is fantastic (you can see at a glance what impact different compression levels will have). While I can't confirm this, from what I've read it apparently also produces better quality compressed textures than Nvidia's DDS tools, but I'll leave that for the experts to debate. The Solution Ver 2 (kinda) `````````````````````````````` Ethatron has released his DDSOpt tool which does a great job at picking up and fixing (by re-compressing a texture or a normal map correctly) some of the issues discussed above. It also has an excellent mipmap generator that adds higher levels of details in the mipmaps, leading to even better texture quality at mid to long ranges. So -- for users and especially texture authors -- you can run DDSOpt to optimise textures to be correctly saved in the right format, and thereby reduce VRAM usage. It is still in development however, so if encounter any odd results please post in the DDSOpt topic on the STEP Forum here Alt3rn1ty Edit : Changed the link above to the STEP forum due to Bethesda forum soon to close, and Ethatron has been most active on the new topic linked : Also since Ethatrons own website and documentation has been down for more than a year, the best practices and most recent notes are at the STEP forum and WIKI guide. ( Original topic and more links at the end of this post ) -----> However, there is a large caveat <----- DDSopt can correctly re-compress textures and can sometimes pick up minor issues such as unnecessary alpha channels, but it is not a silver bullet to magically make all your textures perfect. It cannot fix errors in textures and alpha channels created (however inadventently) by the texture author. Things like left-over borders, stray pixels in alpha channels and a whole bunch of stuff that actual texture artists could probably mention that I can't. In other words, if you make and upload texture mods DDSOpt can help you ensure your textures are properly saved with the most optimal DXT compression format, but it cannot fix problems with textures, alpha channels and normal map generation. This is up to you to get right first time before you upload the mod -- and unfortunately, while testing DDSOpt with Ethatron, there are a lot of mods that have these sorts of issues and as a result DDSOpt can't optimise them. So if you're a texture author, please check your work Thankyou for reading. isoku chimes in: 'isoku', on 08 Jan 2012 - 7:16 PM, said: MadCat221 adds: 'MadCat221', on 08 Jan 2012 - 7:34 PM, said: teanandcigarettes says: 'teaandcigarettes', on 08 Jan 2012 - 9:14 PM, said: Ethatron adds: 'Ethatron', on 09 Jan 2012 - 02:43 AM, said: Huleed gives the straight dope: 'Huleed', on 09 Jan 2012 - 06:37 AM, said: And last but not least Throttlekitty brings news throttlekitty, on 09 Nov 2015 - 04:25 AM, said: Resources ```````````` The Compressonator -- Download here The above tool has now been superceeded by AMD Compress Oblivion DDS guide -- Read me! Wikipedia on DXT modes -- Click me! Generating normal maps (thanks to teaandcigarettes) -- Click here More on DXT formats (thanks to teaandcigarettes) -- Read me! Another good read on DXT formats (thanks to Phitt) -- Click me or the kitten gets it! How to choose the right DXT compression (thanks to Thottlekitty) -- I am sexy and I know it Normal map workflow (thanks to Thottlekitty) -- If you build it they will come Throttlekitty's Keep Details profiles for Photoshop -- That's not a mipmap, this is a mipmap! DDSopt by Ethatron - Original forum starter topic -- It's life Jim, but not as we know it DDSOpt topic on the STEP Forum here DDSOpt Guide on the STEP WIKI here DDSOpt can be downloaded from Nexus here. ( DDSOpt Pre-Release Update 4 is recommended ) Oh and the STEP Team have already done all the vanilla textures using the above DDSOpt guide : From the Optional files here .. http://www.nexusmods...kyrim/mods/11/? .. Grab the file "STEP Optimized Vanilla Textures - Standard Version" "All vanilla DDSopt-imized textures (no resolution caps, compression and mip-map optimized) not covered by STEP mods. Dawnguard, Hearthfires, and Dragonborn required". Edited by Martigen, 15 January 2012 - 01:41 PM. Edits by Alt3rn1ty started 08 Oct 2015 - Typos / A few more appropriate links / Old broken links fixed Note : Rodgreen PS Action, website linked in old post for combining normal maps cannot be found
  7. @ Skyrim SE Nexus Description : CBBE Optional Body Skin textures (Diffuse Maps), plus matching hands, for clean or dirty skin, pubic hair variations, and nipple choices. All Diffuse map options in original 4k size, or now also in 2k size. There are also Normal Map Options which are the same as on CBBE page, but in 2k size. So for different machine specifications you can mix them up to reduce VRAM usage .. 4k Diffuse + 4k Normal for the screen archers out there, 4k Diffuse + 2k Normal to conserve a bit of VRAM, or 2k Diffuse + 2k Normal to go back to vanilla Skyrim SE texture sizes. Personally I have 3gb VRAM so like the 4k Diffuse, but even though I can use the 4k normal aswell I prefer saving a bit and using the 2k normal .. In normal gameplay you will not really notice the very slight difference a 4k normal makes. The textures in this mod are BC7 (Linear, Fine) format. (They are not backwards compatible with Old Skyrim) CBBE SE .psd Resources were used as the basis for making these textures in all cases. If you also use the Normal Map Options, you can effectively produce many more combinations of diversity with bump mapping of your choice .. .. More defined Muscular, varying cleavage etc etc, giving a wide range of body definition. Options included : (Diffuse maps) CleanSkin BrightNipple HairShavenCleanSkin BrightNipple HairStripCleanSkin BrightNipple HairThickCleanSkin BrightNipple HairThickestCleanSkin BrightNipple HairThin CleanSkin BrightNipple HairWildCleanSkin DarkNipple HairShavenCleanSkin DarkNipple HairStripCleanSkin DarkNipple HairThickCleanSkin DarkNipple HairThickestCleanSkin DarkNipple HairThin CleanSkin DarkNipple HairWildCleanSkin HairShavenCleanSkin HairStripCleanSkin HairThickCleanSkin HairThickestCleanSkin HairThin CleanSkin HairWildDirtySkin BrightNipple HairShavenDirtySkin BrightNipple HairStripDirtySkin BrightNipple HairThickDirtySkin BrightNipple HairThickestDirtySkin BrightNipple HairThin DirtySkin BrightNipple HairWildDirtySkin DarkNipple HairShavenDirtySkin DarkNipple HairStripDirtySkin DarkNipple HairThickDirtySkin DarkNipple HairThickestDirtySkin DarkNipple HairThin DirtySkin DarkNipple HairWildDirtySkin HairShavenDirtySkin HairStripDirtySkin HairThickDirtySkin HairThickestDirtySkin HairThin DirtySkin HairWild (Normal maps) Base Petite Curvier Cleavage Sevenbase Sevenbase Muscular Muscular Fetish Requirements : CBBE SE <- Install this first, then overwrite with the diffuse / normal maps of your choice. Install order is important for this to work correctly. Installation : Manual installation - Use 7zip to extract the archive. Inside you will find a fomod folder with named images, which correspond with a named folder. Make your choice of folder, open it and then copy the texture folder ( and its contents ), then paste the textures folder into .. ~Path to game installation~ \ Skyrim Special Edition \ Data \ <-- In here You are installing two files which replace the same files from CBBE SE, so you should be asked to overwrite, click Okay. textures \ actors \ character \ female \ femalebody_1.dds textures \ actors \ character \ female \ femalehands_1.dds The hands file is of particular importance for the dirty skin options, to match at the wrist join. CBBE SE (or its resource file) does not have its own matching dirty version of the hands texture. If you also use the CBBE Normal Map Options 2k, there is just one additional file to install textures \ actors \ character \ female \ femalebody_1_msn.dds. Wrye Bash ( Wizard - Recommended ) - Place the zip in Bash Installers folder ( or drag and drop it onto the Wrye Bash Installers Tab ). Right click the installer in Wrye Bash and choose Wizard, then follow the intructions and make choices. Other Mod Managers ( Fomod scripted Installation ) - I believe it will install with Nexus Mod Manager, and the upcoming Vortex ( so long as it supports fomod scripted installers ). It will probably also install with MO aswell .. I cant test all possibilities because I do not use any of them. Uninstallation : Manual - Delete the two files .. ~Path to game~ \ skyrim special edition \ data \ textures \ actors \ character \ female \ femalebody_1.dds ~Path to game~ \ skyrim special edition \ data \ textures \ actors \ character \ female \ femalehands_1.dds And if you used the Normal Map Options ~Path to game~ \ skyrim special edition \ data \ textures \ actors \ character \ female \ femalebody_1.dds Then re-install the CBBE SE originals Wrye Bash or other Mod Managers - Refer to their documentation on uninstalling your mods. Tools used : Photoshop - With Intel Texture Works plugin Notepad++ 7zip Permission : You're free to use the CBBE body for outfits, companions or similar if you follow the rules below. Just credit the CBBE team and provide a link back there! 1. For re-uploading the whole mod or parts of it without notable edits to any website, including the Nexus, please ask for permission first. 2. Distribution by, or sub-licensing to, parties not expressly given permission is disallowed. 3. You are currently NOT allowed to upload or use any part of the CBBE meshes and textures on Bethesda.net. This includes within outfit mods, companions or any other type of mods. 4. No file available on this page is to be sold for monetary gain anywhere. Outfits making use of the CBBE body are not to be sold anywhere. For permissions or questions, contact Caliente, ousnius or Jeir. CBBE team Credits : - Caliente - ousnius - Jeir - Lunyra for some of the blend options in the PSD resources - Bethesda for providing the (bug ridden .. but excellent) games - Arthmoor and all members of the community who contribute to the Unofficial Patch Project - Mertz for everything he is doing to spread the love for Wrye Bash WizBAINs - Utumno, long suffering one-man-coding-machine and leader of the Wrye Bash team .. .. If you know Python, go lend a hand.
  8. Just to clarify that I don't have any kind of mods. I came here searching for help and checking if this patch may help me. The green hologram of the lab bottle, Research test tube and test tube items is missing when trading or bartering but not when I'm in my inventory in the Pip-boy. I've tried loading a saved game from before but nothing, also verifyed files and no solution for the glitch. I don't know why it's happening and since when, coz maybe the bug was there before I noticed. I'm new in all of this and I've been searching for information. I already asked for help to Bethesda but I don't know how much it will take for them to find a solution for my problem since I sent them DxDiag and Msinfo32 information to review as they requested me and reinstalling nvidia drivers. I haven't unistalled Fallout 4 so far.
  9. So, it seems that Fallout 4 uses Material Swap forms to change the material, and thus the texture, of a static. They have done this with the flags you can place in your base. All those flags uses FlagWallMinutemen01.nif as model, and Material Swap to change the diffuse, normal, and specular. The nif itself only references the Minutemen texture and material. Does anyone have an idea of how one would go about editing those materials? I've tried Hex Editing, but it doesn't seem to work. For example, I'm working on a Flag mod that doesn't replace the vanilla flags, but adds all sorts of "Old World" flags (download). The missing piece is just getting the materials to function as I want.
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