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  1. Version 4.02


    ATTENTION: THIS IS THE OLD VERSION. PLEASE TRY THE NEW ONE. THANKS! GRUFFYDD'S SIGNS AND POSTERS New Signs and Posters for Your Settlements Tired of the same old vanilla signs? Want to add some color and variety to your settlements? Need to spice up that merchant district you made? Now you can! This mod adds HUNDREDS of new, custom signs and posters, plus a few extra goodies. These aren't vanilla imports. Each has been hand-crafted to add new and interesting variety and detail to your settlements. What's that? Too many, your Decorations menu is cluttered enough? Not to worry! This mod works with SMM (Settlement Menu Manger), which adds a separate, structured menu to Decorations. Big signs! Little signs! Different shapes! 100% custom work! Your settlement will never be bland again! Includes Settlement Name Signs Tired of Covenant being the only place with a big new sign out front? Signs with the names of almost all of the settlements are available for all three major factions (Brotherhood of Steel, Institute, Minutemen). Let everyone know your settlement is a step up from the usual shanty town! As seen in many YouTube videos! (Usually in the background while something else is being featured) Attention Mod Organizaer 2 Users: MO2 does not play well with this mod. You may end up with the menus showing up fine, but all the objects are invisible. If you have this issue, you will need to manually install the mod. Credits, Q&A and Links: Credits/Attributions: A big thanks to those real-life folks who have granted permission to use their likenesses and/or the names of their groups in this mod. Omnia (World of OMNIA) The Reduced Shakespeare Company (Home | Reduced Shakespeare Company) Sabaton (Sabaton | Official Website) I do not have the legal right to give these permissions to others, so please do not include this mod in any mod packs or otherwise redistribute it. These folks were all cool enough to kindly give their permissions to me when asked, so please let's not do anything to upset them. I found some nice graphics available for use on a site called Freepik.com. Their free license requires attribution, so here it is. Only a few items were used as presented, most were modified, or I only used a portion. Freepik * macrovector/Freepik * pch.vector/Freepik * macrovector_official/Freepik * dgim-studio/Freepik Another similar site is Vecteezy.com. Here's the attribution for them: Vecteezy A number of the fonts used in this mod are licensed to me by their creators for non-commercial use only. Most of these were found on fontspace.com or DaFont.com. This mod is entirely the work of Steven Sauer aka Gruffydd, with the exception of the "VegaOne" section, in which all textures are the work of VegaOne. This material is not made, guaranteed or supported by Zenimax or its affiliates. Q&A: Q: I know this mod, it's from NexusMods. Why has it shown up here? Has it been pirated? A: No, just moved. For reasons too complex to go into here, I have decided that NexusMods is no longer the best home for my mod. Since I know that this site respects modder's rights to their own work, I have decided that this will be the new home for this mod going forward. Q: It's not working right, the signs and posters are sinking into the walls. Why is it broken? A: Well, it's really not. The signs and posters are designed to be flush with the walls (in other words, attached to the walls, not floating in front of them) if you are using vanilla construction assets. Some mods add new construction assets, and not all of them have the collision in the same place. Some of them have it slightly further inside. This means that when it snaps, it snaps to a plane that is actually inside the wall, and that's why it looks like there's a problem. There are a few fixed structures in settlements (such as portions of the exterior house walls in Sanctuary) that also have this issue. If this is happening to you, there are a couple of ways around it. You can layer the object so that it's on something that sticks out from the wall slightly, but is hidden by the sign or poster. You can use one of the excellent mods out there that let you place objects in spots other than the normal snap points. Or you can choose a different wall, or different location for the poster or sign. Will this ever get "fixed"? No, because for those using vanilla assets, it's not broken, so there's nothing to fix. Q: Help! Something went wrong and now a menu is missing! A: For various reasons, this can sometimes happen. It shouldn't happen with just general use, but if you remove this mod, or add new mods, there's always the possibility of something glitching. If this happens to you, and you're using Settlement Menu Manager (SMM), there's a function on the holotape to recover lost menus. If you're not using SMM, then that's why it's not working. Or at least a reason why. Rumor is that installing this mod (or any mod that modifies menus) at the start of the game before you leave the vault can sometimes result in the menu being missing. If the SMM holotape does not fix it in these situations, uninstall the mod, save, then once you're outside the vault reinstall, and it should either appear automatically or be recoverable through the SMM holotape at that point. Q: Is this the same as the version on NexusMods? A: No. Or at least, it won't be after I post an update. This version will get updated. The old version will not. And this assumes that I don't take the "nuclear option" and remove my mods from the Nexus by August 4th. Q: Why is the X-Box version on Bethesda.net so much smaller than this one? A: When Bethesda.net first started hosting mods, I promptly ported mine over. I then got mostly negative feedback, mainly about the file size, with people demanding that I somehow magically reduce the file size without reducing the quality of the images. It quickly became apparent that 1) if I continued to add new stuff, the data cap would become more and more of an issue, and 2) the environment was toxic. The first made it difficult for me to update, the second made it undesirable. So, I have since focused on the PC version, which is the only one (that wasn't pirated) that has all of the assets in it. Q: Can you split out this list of assets into a separate, smaller mod? A: No. I barely have time to update this mod, much less spend many hours making subset mods. If for some reason you really don't want some of the assets, learn to use FO4Edit, and remove the static, material replacer, and constructible for the ones you don't want. Q: What does GruffyDD mean? A: Well, it's not GruffyDD, it's Gruffydd. It's a Welsh name, basically pronounced "Griffith". It was the first part of the name of my SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) persona, and I've used it here as well. Why did I choose a Welsh name? It's a small part of my actual heritage, I was really into archery, and to annoy the heralds.
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