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Error Window After Intalling a Mod: Wyre Bash stdout/stderr:
templar1138 posted a topic in Mod Support and Discussions
The message: 250 load: Error in Welcome Home.esp Traceback (most recent call last): File "bash\", line 227, in load File "bash\brec\", line 71, in load_rec_group File "bash\brec\", line 1305, in _load_rec_group bash.exception.ModError: Unknown File: Extra subgroup 6 in CELL group. Version: Wyre Bash 310 (Standalone): Default [SI] Symptoms - What I did: Downloaded and installed the linked mod via Wyre Bash, activated it in the Mods tab, then used LOOT to sort the load order. What I expected: A standard install process with Wyre Bash or LOOT notifying me in relatively concise ways of any potential issues, as they have with other mods. What happened/What I see: A window opened containing the message shown above. Windows version: Windows 10 Home, 21H2 I have not made any modifications to a bash.ini, and I'm not even certain if I'm using one or not. I am also not aware of any Python components being installed. Load Order: Active Plugins: === Current Bash Tags:- 2 replies
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[Bug, PS4] Custom controls interfering with Load Order access
KoruptDawg posted a topic in Mod Support and Discussions
Something maybe the Unofficial Patch team can fix. I play with the Jump button (default: triangle) and Character Menu button (default: circle) swapped, but then when I try to access my Load Order in the Mod Menu, by pressing triangle, it backs out to the title screen/main menu. Only by swapping back to the default controls, can I access my Load Order in the Mod Menu. I also play with my shoulder buttons swapped but they have no effect on the issue. It seems to only have problems with the triangle buttons assignment. As even with the custom controls, the circle button still acts as the Back button in the Mod Menu. -
I've been modding Skyrim SE ever since I bought. I have yet to play it due to the many wonderful mods I found and the excellent modding community. Now that SKSE and SKYUI are out, I'm determined to find my sweet spot between the different skills and leveling mods, the combat options, and the game play effects and changes. The real trick is to avoid CTDs which I was successful when I finalized my load order. My question is: What is the difference to having a mod being loaded last versus using a patch? For instance, if I have Wildcat, Combat Evolved and Deadly Combat loaded in that order, would there need to be a patch used in that scenario? What if I added Advanced Adversary Encounters to the list of mods and placed it last after Deadly Combat. What happens to the records without a merged or bashed patch? Is it always true - Last Mod Wins? Strat
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Combat Skyrim Unleveled - I like the concepts that this mod applies to the game - armor is penalized for what type is worn. Arrows don't penetrate armor but bolts do. Swords don't penetrate heavy armor but are good against light and no armor. Maces are better against armored opponents. Also the unleveled versions of NPCs and locations give the new meaning to being ready for combat. No longer could my archetype Assassin sneak his way through Bleak Falls Barrow. I would have to buy training or go hunting to get my skills set to a point where I can complete Bleak Falls. Using EFF, I can bring some tank players and a few mages to help out. However, for Bleak Falls Barrow its where I meet the advanced enemies: My followers didn't scale with the mod, but I've added Special Edition Followers which gives all the followers a better combat package. So I might try this mod with SEF and see if my experience changes. High Level Enemies - Another combat mod that brings more enemies into the world at level 10 and has an option to scale all enemies to your level. It also makes some changes to the enemies combat abilities. In addition to more enemies, scaled level, there are a couple of add-on's that change the maximum caps for four spells so they can be useful later on and raise the maximum resistance cap to 90%. I'm curious if this would be a good addition to Skyrim Unleveled. Combat Evolved - Another great mod for combat AI changes. I believe this mod would be a good addition to the Skyrim Unleveled and I like this mod over Deadly Combat. Combined with Skyrim Unleveled and Vigor (no injuries) or Vigor SOT (injuries to players and NPCs). would give a good balance at the normal Adept level. Advanced Adversary Encounter - I like this mod for adding in the dangerous skill sets to some really nasty foes. I specifically like having the changes to certain foes such as Centurions who are not very vulnerable to cold spells. I've read the posts under Skyrim Unleveled and this is a must add to the combat list. Archery - Found this mod via searching NMM. It was created by a player who shoots bows in real life. I've always been a firm believer of realism - take a look at for a modern weapon game - and this mod adjusts the archery system in Skyrim. I'm looking forward to putting this mod to the test with Skyrim Unleveled. Wildcat and Smilodon - I have used both and I find them useful, but I'm a fan of Vigor since that mod only covers the combat buffs and debuffs with some NPC AI. It also has a much longer lasting effect on injuries and there is an alternative Vigor that adds injuries to NPC's. Vigor - I might use this mod without injuries as Skyrim Unleveled are going to have tougher enemies along with HLE adding 874 more to Skyrim at level 10. However, since I'm not changing the combat level and I'm not using the multiplier, it might be advantageous to use injuries as that makes the most sense for a complete immersion. I'm not a fan of penalizing the player's attack damage to gain a benefit of immersion or game play. I feel at a one-to-one ratio, the best way to be immersed is to make combat real: armor types, weapon types, and skilled combat should be far more important than increasing or reducing damage. For this reason, I've used the non-multiplier version of Skyrim Unleveled. I'll be posting an Armor mod and a Skill mod separately so I don't overwhelm this post. Please post advice, comments, and critiques. Thanks for reading.
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fallout [FNV] LOOT is incorrectly Sorting My Load Order | Please Help
The_Hermithood posted a topic in Mod Support and Discussions
From experience and what I've learned from the modding community is that all .esm files have to be at the top of the load order or we would experience crashes, and or instability with the game. First would be the FalloutNV.esm then the DLC's and following should be the modified plugins that end with .esm . Now as I play Fallout New Vegas on occasion the game will crash and sometimes it will become unresponsive for a time as if it's ready to crash and that's using LOOT as the Load Order. If I utilize the manual load order the game will load the same but just crash once in awhile. So I throw my arms up in the air and took a deeper look at what's going on. The Fallout 4 Edit shows the same as LOOT that the "Master Files" for the DLC's need cleaned. I'm afraid to do this because I don't exactly know what I'm doing with FO4edit. I've watched a few videos that say to 1st apply the cleaning filter then secondly to right-click delete all the references. At this point I don't know what to do as I've put this Let's Play on hold long enough and now I'm looking for answers from the modding community. Is my load order wrong or is Loot wrong, and if both are wrong could someone please comment and or leave an attachment as to how my load order should be, please? I've attached both load orders my manual load order and the one from LOOT. I thank you all and anyone very much for taking the time to read my post and I will pray for an answer. As gaming is awesome, playing with mods seems to be even better. Oh and before I forget I've used CFF Explorer to enable >4 Gigabytes of Ram or higher, and I play the game in windowed 1280 x 720p not fullscreen. The reason for this is because 1920 x 1080p doesn't adapt well to a 42" Television screen instead it pushes everything off the screen. I could use the AMD application to fix this issue but when doing so it causes other games to crash. Till next time take care everyone and have yourself a wonderful day. Fallout New Vegas LOOT Load Order.txt FNV Load Order Done Manually.txt-
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Here is my LOOT sorted mod list. I'm asking the community to review, recommend, advise, and correct my load order as needed. I don't plan on making changes by adding or removing mods, so my mods listed are final and my bashed patch is also final. ** I have an issue with Skulkar and a horse floating in the sky at Whiterun Stables. I am not sure what is causing that to happen. Also, when I rescue Hadvar, the porch scene where he talks to his uncle doesn't happen; Hadvar walks around Alvor's place (I have JK Riverwood and T'Skyrim's Riverwood add on). I walk up to Alvor now and talk to him with some new dialog without going inside. Hadvar finally walks on the porch and they go inside the house. I like this version because it saves a transition, and I can move on with my game. It was just...different after playing the vanilla for so long (over 1800 hours!). So take a look at my load order, my mods, and let me know what you think? Strat
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*Admins - move this to the Mods forum if you think it will be better served there. I've decided to move on from Oldrim and embrace the new Skyrim Special Edition. When I first started playing, I was going to run through the vanilla version just to get back into the game. I thought "Why am I just accepting what I've already played for 1800 hours plus when I can improve my game by the wonderful mods that are out there?" Well, I jumped into many rabbit holes and now I'm looking to the community for advice. I've built my list, checked it twice, and found which mods are naughty and nice. However, I want to understand some concepts that escape me. Why use SMIM when your just going to ovewrite it with another texture mod? - Some mods have compatibility patches. I never understood why you would use like three different texture mods: I first stated with SMIM, then ELFX (but that was for environment, weather, and lighting), then Noble Skyrim which also included land, and finally Skyland which I find more pleasing to my view of a landscape. I decided to eliminate Noble Skryim and just use ELFX with Skyland. Keeps it simple The Body Fetish - O to the MG! If we don't get enough naked bodies on TV, we have to add them to Skyrim. I'm not preaching, just saying no thanks. However. Bijin's AIO is probably the best I've seen among the character look overhaul. Karlialh - on fire! However, I found using Total Character Makeover, Divirsity and Bijins AIO a bit over kill. I could hardly see the scars on my Bosmer's face! Plus I like that deep dark tone that shows some wear and tear on my character. Sorry Bijin, but characters were meant to have some character - even in the face. Combat - A really tough choice with good options but bad implementation. Advance Adversary Encounters is just overkill - sorry txt2001 - I appreciate the challenge, but trying to deal with those type of encounters from an early level is not what I'm looking for. Combat Evolved had what I was looking for, but as I explored more options I found a better approach. Combat Evolved still gets my vote over AAE. Smilodon - the successor to Wildcat. I tried penalty and injury mods (Vigor was my first). While it did make combat more difficult, I found it a bit tedious because of the stamina hit that made my gameplay somewhat useless. Over 2000 hours of holding a bow drawn now costs me my Stamina - that's something I would have to get use to. Still I recommend this as an alternative to CE if you are wanting to have realistic combat over powerful enemies. High Level Enemies - I like the concept of this mod as it combines the best of deleveled, scaled, and leveled enemies with increase combat skills. I would consider using this over Skyrim Unleveled, but I like the concept of SU. I recommend HLE over Combat Evolved and AAE. You can use Smilodon, but I would recommend using one or the other - especially when you add immersion modes like Campfire, Frostfall, and Realistic Needs and Diseases. Skyrim Unleveled - a great pain in the ass mod, especially when you use his damage multiplier. You will NOT survive a multi-enemie encounter at first level unless you cheat. I don't recommend the multiplier - the combat is solid enough without it Plus using Skyrim Alchemy Fixed introduces a challenge when healing in combat. So, I'll just give a few words here about Skyrim Unleveled. Bleak Falls Barrow will no longer be the Nordic Ruin to level up in. You will have to find training elsewhere and I recommend you learn to chop wood - a lot of wood. You can cheat and give yourself gold to purchase training - I will not. I've added Ashara's merchant mod to provide merchants that sell skill books and are master trainers. Along with Amazing Follower Tweaks and Housecarl's as Tanks, I should be able to roleplay my Assassin character without issue. Also, SU provides the appropriate weapon usage and armor protection. No longer can you hack and slash with a sword at a tanked player - you will just irritate him. SU introduces crossbows into the game. While they penentrate armor, they don't do a lot of damage. However, against a light armored enemy, the bolts are quicker and you can move and shoot a lot easier than with a bow. It adds yet another element in the game to further enhance a deleveled experience. RECAP - don't use the damage multiplier; it is not necessary. Make sure you have a tanked warrior and a mage in your follower group using AFT. Be patient. Think. Move. Don't be a hero, but be bold and brave. Amazing Follower Tweaks - Finally, more than one follower and I can make em dance! This mod is useful in many ways but even more so when you add Frostfall (Campfire) as they can make camp if you need them to. It is best to be in an open area as they will make camp right in the middle of the road! Sneak mode is great because you can put your followers to invisible and muffled so you can sneak but have them with you if you fail. Sneak Tools - so many times my sneak never works when using vanilla come from behind attacks. With Sneak Tools you have the option of selecting what you want to do with success being determined on the difference in level, skill, and combat ability of the enemy. So it is measured in real time base on multiple factors not just sneak skill and perk. There are a lot more but I'll just start here. Please list your mods that you use - spare me the the body ones because I just don't care. I'll post my mods uses and my load order for advice. Strat
Wrye Bash 307-Experimental Fallout 3/Fallout New Vegas/Oblivion/Skyrim patcher Update This thread is to discuss and troubleshoot implementation of Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Oblivion and Skyrim patcher updates. This will be done using three different versions of Wrye Bash/Flash/Smash. Version 307.x will be primarily for Oblivion and Skyrim but anyone is more then welcome to test this version with Fallout. Since the current official releases for Fallout by Valda are working rather well and just need updating I will be providing links to those versions as well. I will use them as a baseline for the updates I am making to 307.x. New releases will be on my OneDrive or a Mediafire Link. Version 307.x also marks the beginning of implementing Fallout 3 and Fallout NV support thanks to WrinklyNinja's previous efforts and starting the process for version 304.3. Valda updated Wrye Flash for Fallout 3 (30.x) and Fallout New Vegas (16.0) based off of a much older version of Wrye Bash (292 I think). Valda is not currently helping me with updates so if I can't make the changes myself they will remain unresolved. Please be patient while I wait for new volunteers that have time to help make updates. To help with Bash Tags fireundubh has been kind enough to provide us with a beta script for xEdit that should work with all four versions. You can obtain Generate Bash Tags.pas from his GitHub repo. I am unaware of where you can post questions and bug reports at this time and I do not maintain that file so posting here will not get you the help you are looking for. find updates to the script in this thread. Please post all bug reports and requests in that thread. ATTN for Skyrim version: This version's Skyrim patcher is very new. Unless you know how to use TES5Edit and understand a great deal about plugins you may not want to use this version. Manual editing may be needed for the Bash patch to function correctly. Both Python and Standalone versions are available. Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas: If you are using 306.x for Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas the Bash Patch should not have many issues since the code already existed to handle all the routines in the previous versions. Please report any issues so they can be corrected. If you are using the official releases for FO3 and FNV they are very stable and quite usable in game. However, they do need updating so feel free to post issues you encounter with the Bash Patch. Links to 307.x for FO3/FNV/Oblivion/Skyrim/FO4: Wrye Bash 307.0.8_EXP - Python Source.7z - MediaFire, OneDrive Wrye Bash 307.0.8_EXP - Standalone Executable.7z - MediaFire, OneDrive Links to Wrye Flash by Valda: Wrye Flash for FO3 v31.5 - Python Source.7z - MediaFire, OneDrive Wrye Flash for FO3 v31.5 - Standalone Executable.7z - MediaFire, OneDrive Wrye Flash for FNV v17.2 - Python Source.7z - MediaFire, OneDrive Wrye Flash for FNV v17.2 - Standalone Executable.7z - MediaFire, OneDrive Bethesda WIpz threads for FO3/FNV/Skyrim/Oblivion/FO4 Updates: Skyrim Oblivion Fallout 3 Fallout NV Fallout 4 STEP Thread: Wrye Bash/Smash/Flash Experemental Patcher Updates What kind of testing am I looking for? I need people with a great deal of knowledge with Bash Tags and plugins to report errors with the Bash Patch for it's respective patchers. For example if a sound from a mod should have ended up in the bash patch but didn't, I need to know. The only bugs I am not interested in are Unicode related bugs. So if you go to install a mod and you get a Unicode error post that in the Wrye Bash thread. What I am not looking for in regards to version 306.x: The Python based patchers have never been updated that I am aware of. At least not for the last three years. If records do not carry over into the Bash Patch that clearly should be there I am not directly causing this. I am not experienced with Python enough to change the patcher's behaviour. I can only assign or update records and subrecords to their respective patchers. Once there are volunteers willing to help hopefully the patchers can be updated to produce a more accurate patch. In the meantime rather then assuming the patcher is buggy, I suggest checking all the Bash Tags by using the provided script. In regards to CBash for Oblivion, I will consider updating the Python code that tells CBash what to do. However, if after I make updates, if the same issue is still occurring, I will not be able to update CBash itself. 99% of the time any issues with CBash will originate from flawed Python code. Error reporting: Post the Game you are using (FO3/FNV/TES4/TES5) the FormID of the record, what type of record it is (MGEF, INGR), the Subrecord involved, and the name of the field in xEdit. For example, "Skyrim SNDD - Sounds, Sound". If I can't find a similar type of setup for the record in the CK/CS/GECK I may ask for a link to the mod. Record structures: Documentation for Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas plugin file formats can be found on GitHub/fopdoc courtesy of WrinklyNinja Fallout 3 Records Fallout: New Vegas Records Documentation for Oblivion and Skyrim file formats can be found on UESP WikiSkyrim Records Oblivion Records Additional record formats can be found on my (very, very, poor) port of TES5Edit on GitHub. Extremely rough draft of what the functions mean are here. Bash Tags If you have forgotten the Bash Tags most of them are in this list. As I update Wrye Bash I will update that section to reflect changes I have made. Supported Bash tags for 306.x: Oblivion: Body-F, Body-M, Body-Size-M, Body-Size-F, C.Climate, C.Light, C.Music, C.Name, C.RecordFlags, C.Owner, C.Water, Deactivate, Delev, Eyes, Factions, Relations, Filter, Graphics, Hair, IIM, Invent, Names, NoMerge, NpcFaces, R.Relations, Relev, Scripts, ScriptContents, Sound, SpellStats, Stats, Voice-F, Voice-M, R.Teeth, R.Mouth, R.Ears, R.Head, R.Attributes-F, R.Attributes-M, R.Skills, R.Description, R.AddSpells, R.ChangeSpells, Roads, Actors.Anims, Actors.AIData, Actors.DeathItem, Actors.AIPackages, Actors.AIPackagesForceAdd, Actors.Stats, Actors.ACBS, NPC.Class, Actors.CombatStyle, Creatures.Blood, Actors.Spells, Actors.SpellsForceAdd, NPC.Race, Actors.Skeleton, NpcFacesForceFullImport, MustBeActiveIfImported, Npc.HairOnly, Npc.EyesOnly Skyrim: C.Acoustic, C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.ImageSpace, C.Light, C.Location, C.Music, C.Name, C.Owner, C.RecordFlags, C.Regions, C.SkyLighting, C.Water, Deactivate, Delev, Filter, Graphics, Invent, Names, NoMerge, Relev, Sound, Stats Fallout 3: C.Acoustic, C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.ImageSpace, C.Light, C.Music, C.Name, C.Owner, C.RecordFlags, C.Water, Deactivate, Deflst, Delev, Destructible, Factions, Filter, Graphics, Invent, Names, NoMerge, Relations, Relev, Sound, Stats Fallout New Vegas: C.Acoustic, C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.ImageSpace, C.Light, C.Music, C.Name, C.Owner, C.RecordFlags, C.Water, Deactivate, Deflst, Delev, Destructible, Factions, Filter, Graphics, Invent, Names, NoMerge, Relations, Relev, Sound, Stats, WeaponMods Supported Bash tags for Wrye Flash FNV: Fallout New Vegas: Body-F, Body-M, Body-Size-M, Body-Size-F, C.Acoustic, C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.ImageSpace, C.Light, C.Music, C.Name, C.RecordFlags, C.Owner, C.Water, Deactivate, Delev, Eyes, Factions, Relations, Filter, Graphics, Hair, IIM, Invent, Names, NoMerge, NpcFaces, R.Relations, Relev, Scripts, ScriptContents, Sound, Stats, Voice-F, Voice-M, R.Teeth, R.Mouth, R.Ears, R.Head, R.Attributes-F, R.Attributes-M, R.Skills, R.Description, Actors.Anims, Actors.AIData, Actors.DeathItem, Actors.AIPackages, Actors.AIPackagesForceAdd, Actors.Stats, Actors.ACBS, NPC.Class, Actors.CombatStyle, Creatures.Blood, NPC.Race, Actors.Skeleton, NpcFacesForceFullImport, MustBeActiveIfImported, Deflst, Destructible, WeaponMods Supported Bash tags for Wrye Flash FO3: Fallout 3: Body-F, Body-M, Body-Size-M, Body-Size-F, C.Acoustic, C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.ImageSpace, C.Light, C.Music, C.Name, C.RecordFlags, C.Owner, C.Water, Deactivate, Delev, Eyes, Factions, Relations, Filter, Graphics, Hair, IIM, Invent, Names, NoMerge, NpcFaces, R.Relations, Relev, Scripts, ScriptContents, Sound, Stats, Voice-F, Voice-M, R.Teeth, R.Mouth, R.Ears, R.Head, R.Attributes-F, R.Attributes-M, R.Skills, R.Description, Actors.Anims, Actors.AIData, Actors.DeathItem, Actors.AIPackages, Actors.AIPackagesForceAdd, Actors.Stats, Actors.ACBS, NPC.Class, Actors.CombatStyle, Creatures.Blood, NPC.Race, Actors.Skeleton, NpcFacesForceFullImport, MustBeActiveIfImported, Deflst, Destructible Patcher Progress: A link detailing which records are not functioning in Wrye Bash and an update of what is and isn't finished at this time is available on the Wrye Bash GitHub. Skyrim Progress Fallout Progress I have a very limited knowledge of Python. I will need help if it involves more complex routines. Updating the records is pretty straight forward and sometimes the patchers make sense including reading the specific fields in a record like MGEF or whatever. So I will be able to update some things on my own. I will be posting in the Known Issues section things that have been reported that I cannot update or have not been updated. Known Issues: Oblivion: None at this time. Skyrim: Keywords are not copied into the Bash Patch. VMAD records from loosing plugins are not copied into the Bash Patch. Some records with repeating sounds like SNDR:ANAM are not carried over into the Bash Patch. Special routine needed to handle INAM for Outfits. LVLD - Chance None is not always utilized. Needs verification because code does look at this value. CTDA conditions not always carried over into bash patch from loosing plugins. CELL: Interior cells XCLW - Field is being blanked out, which may lead to Bash adding unnecessary records. If Bash needs to make a record for the cell, set it to the huge negative value. Otherwise don't import it at all. Fallout 3: None at this time. Fallout New Vegas: None at this time. Version numbers will start with 306 but since this is a beta and not an official release I will make incremental updates, 306.0.01, and so on. Volunteers Needed: Currently I am looking for volunteers to contribute Wrye Bash. The main focus is updating Wrye Bash's Skyrim Patcher. However, this version also has limited Fallout 3 and Fallout NV support. Wrye Bash is written in Python so I am looking for people who are fairly knowledgeable with that programming language. You need to have Skyrim installed on your system so that you can test your updates to the code. If you wish to help with Fallout support then you should own a copy of Fallout 3 or New Vegas. If you wish to help please PM me with your GitHub account name and which game mode you are willing to help with. P.S. please be willing to at least proofread my attempts to write Python code for Skyrim even if you prefer not to help with that and don't own a copy of Skyrim.
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[Skyrim] SKSE Diagnostics (Missing Content, Missing Masters)
Arthmoor posted a topic in Knowledge Base
SKSE version 1.7.3 and onward support a new diagnostic function that will inform you if your load order is missing a master, and will tell you specifically which mods are missing when the game tells you it's missing content from a save. This feature hasn't been widely publicized and it's extremely useful for finding these kinds of problems for folks who refuse to touch Wrye Bash for whatever reason. In the [General] section of Data\SKSE\SKSE.ini (create the file if it doesn't exist there) you can add this: EnableDiagnostics=1 My file currently looks like this: [General] ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 EnableDiagnostics=1 [Memory] DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 If all you want are the diagnostics, you don't need all the other stuff. For a missing master, you'll see something like this: For a save missing content, you'll see something like this: