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Ayleid Dagger as represented in OOO updated and OOO extended


This image shows the similarities (I will find better terms to describe this) between a weapon shown in this pic being incorporated into OOO base esm and OOO Extended mods.

The stats shown are the same in both OOO and Ayleid meteoric weapons ... and adjusted speed only in OOO extended.

Of note also further down all the weapons that start with RS are from Waalx real swords with pretty much exact same situation where the base model is taken stats and all from the original mod.

Of course that these may be models for other enchanted or other named weapons ... perhaps, but initially I don't think as much as just ripping and including from the source mods. Seems there is still adjusting going on with these OOO weapons with OOO extended adjusting stats here and there further than the often no changes that are in OOO updated.


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