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Paradiso General Goods with business clothing, sleepwear, swimwear, and various incidentals.

Paradiso sells a very limited set of resort wear, alongside an extensive display of armor and weapons. Instead, even paid resort guests must search and steal anything more expensive than a succulent plant or tissue box. Dialogue indicates that such things as books to read on the beach are not available for sale.

Other Starfield general goods stores offer a wide variety of clothing. An existing vendor clothing list has a small sampling of business clothing (and sleepwear) from all factions appropriate for a luxury establishment, sufficient for attending a semi-formal wedding. New LL_Vendor_General_Incidentals_All includes such things as lotion bottles, boxes, grooming, and swimsuits seen on shelves inside the units.

Currently, towels are "static" instead of "miscellaneous" objects (presumably to keep piles of them from falling off of the shelves), and cannot be sold.

Edited by DayDreamer

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