About This File
- Mods that seriously alter the vanilla skill trees might disable SOME of this mod's features.
When clearing the derbies with your pick-axe, do not fast mine it by
attacking it with the axe. These are not mines but custom scripted
objects that require normal activation to work properly.
- Help, I didn't pickup my hatch when leaving, now I forgot where I placed it! Then do what I did until I learnt better, retrace your steps and don't be a dummy.
- Hey, I cleaned my mod with a game cleaner and when I went into my Hatch I saw that rubbish I cleaned up. True, it returns if you clean your game or other similar things, but rest assured it pops away within seconds. Sure, I could have fixed it by making all that garbage persistent objects, but that would eat up game resources and I don't like doing that; so, I scripted out a solution. Anyway, it's rare and you would only notice it if you're quick to look when you enter the hatch, otherwise it's gone.
- Hey, where are those secret rooms?? If I told you then it wouldn't be a secret now would it?
- Hey, the hatch says it's stuck and it won't let me out!! Go back in that secret room you found and undo what you did.
- Yo, this sucks, I see the hatch in my inventory and it doesn't do anything!! Check your power abilities; just make sure you keep the thing in your inventory.
- Say, the quest says to use the sonic on the pylons but how do I do that? You know when you press the left mouse button the sonic zaps things? Try that...
- Why don't you make the hatch a quest item so I will never accidentally loose it? Why, so you're awareness can go on a vacation?
- How do I XXXX X XXXXXXXX so that I can XXX XXX XXXXX? Sorry for the redaction but spoilers. It's a simple mod, just play with it for a bit and you'll get it.
- It say's Blacksmith's Hammer and my game only shows Hammers. They are interchangeable.
- Help, I accidentally incinerated the Mystery Hatch using the POET and cant enter the TARDIS. Only a dummy incinerates things without looking.
- I can't find the POET, where is it? If I told you what would be the fun of achievement? Read the tattered note found on the skeleton you sweep up.
- TheShatteredSteel For setting up the groundwork and bringing the TARDIS to Skyrim.
- Ian Smith (AKA Doctorhr2) For TARDIS 1963 - 96 Exterior Models, various meshes and future models and sets.
- TARDIS Builders For TARDIS plans, reference materials as well as a resource for TARDIS props and Doctor Who lore.
- SparrowPrince Providing Assets for custom interior models, glow effects and other model texture tweaks.
- Tony Farrell of TARDIS Builders for providing dims for assets.
- Brian Rocz (and WitchBoy for permissions) For using some control models optimized and re-textured.
- Misc Assets from Resources For Modder's, Modder's Resource and Modder's Resource Pack
- Arie Manor Furniture resource by Arion50
- Pillars modders resource by Incaendo and Yughues
- Upper Class Furniture Pack V2.0 by Monk_ide and Icecreamassassin
- Elianora's Extra Resources by Elianora
- Book binder mesh (Ported from Reborn v7.00) from Stroti's Printing Press Resource by Stroti and Tamira
- Eolhin (Creator of TARDIS by Eolhin for Oblivion) for assets, input and layout ideas.
- Project Modularity by DarkFox127 for scripts, meshes and his Youtube tutorial videos.
- SkyUI Team For making the TARDIS menu systems possible.
- Michael of GamerPoets for his educational videos on SKSE and other Skyrim essentials.
- BBC For creating Doctor Who.
When you first enter the hatch you will notice that it is very much in disarray, with the back chamber area completely sealed off by fallen debris. Clearing the debris is relatively straight forward and most people uncover the skeleton hidden underneath a large boulder that the player removes.
Located on the ground near the skeleton's left side will be the sonic screwdriver, a fourth doctor era model designed by Ian Smith himself for use with this mod. This sonic is your key to unlocking secret doors, but for now, it would be best to sweep up the skeleton debris with a broom. For once the job is done with the skeleton, you will receive an important note detailing not only some hints as to who this person was, but a clue to a secret code you will eventually need for a different area.
You must open the secret door leading to the TARDIS control room first before any other secret passage will respond to the sonic screwdriver. Another nasty thing I did was that I took great care in concealing the outside areas on your player map, preventing you from using it as an exploitation tool to discover secret doors or areas. You do not need to finishing cleaning out the basement in order to gain access to the control room. In other words, as soon as you have the sonic you can unlock the door.
To unlock the secret door, wield your sonic in either hand and press the mouse fire button for the hand. This will animate your hand as if firing a sonic beam; you will hear the familiar sound.
If pointed at doors or containers, the invisible sonic beam will either lock or unlock them; they will glow slightly, an in-game feature simply indicates to the player what object was affected by the sonic. Your sonic will unlock any lockable door or container instantly regardless of complexity. Moreover, your sonic never needs recharging.
As you enter the basement and step down into the large room, the secret door that leads to the control room will be on the left side wall in the far corner of
that room. Zapping the wall with the sonic dead center will unlock the secret door causing it to open. From this point on, that door can be closed and opened manually.
If you get confused as to what wall segment I am referring too, you can always systematically find it by zapping every wall segment in the entire room to find it; hopefully it doesn't go that far but then again, the mod was deceitfully designed to make you do just that <snickers>
As a point to further conceal the Mystery Hatch's true purpose, I deliberately fixed the hatch menu system to hide the fact that you can save locations to fly the
hatch too. In short, some players may never know that the hatch is in truth a TARDIS from Gallifrey. True, the existence of the sonic screwdriver is a dead give away, coupled with the renaming of this mod as well as its contributors. Yet, I am willing to bet that most people don't even bother to read details of mods apart from the general description; I wonder if I'm right...
Anyway, as soon as the TARDIS secret door opens, your hatch power will be updated so that you can save locations where you dropped the hatch. You can save hundreds of locations and unlike my other mod, TARDIS STL-Reborn, you never need to 'charge' the TARDIS for travels.
That being said though, I did throw-in a little mischief of my own so if I were you, I would keep that sonic handy whenever to travel with the TARDIS, as you may need to zap some things with it; I'm sure you can figure out what you need to zap when the time is right.
As a last bit of advice, You cannot leave the hatch if the TARDIS is in-flight or the de-materialize button has been activated. Therefore, if you find that you can't leave and you know that you landed SOMEWHERE, then go back and re-toggle that button, you'll be glad you did.
Benka Malinson
When you first discover this room, you will hear a warning beep which indicates that the power switch off. Turning it on will power up the unit, generating a small tremor as it does.
At first, you will be unable to travel anywhere because no saved locations will exist; you will have to make some. Once you discover this room, a new feature will be implemented into your drop hatch power which will allow you to save locations; up to 256 of them I believe, or some big number like that.
Saving a location is easy. All you need do is to walk to a place you would like your TARDIS to fly to some day and activate your hatch power ability; hatch needs to be already packed up and in your inventory for the menu to open.
Upon seeing the menu, you will notice a new option to save a location. When activated, you will receive an input box to type the name for your location. Be mindful here, for although you can do a search for locations in the console, they will not be ordered alphabetically but in the order that they were created; and if you suck at spelling, it might take longer to search through your ever growing list of places then typing out a name for a search.
When completed, your hatch will travel to the exact location you are standing at; well, maybe a little to the left, when you set the coordinates to fly to that new location.
To travel for the first time, you need to throw the power lever to get the lights and things turned on. Hovering your cursor over the controls will reveal their names.
Next, you need to press the de-materialization primer button, which is that ugly button you see in the picture to the right of that red valve control.
At this point, your TARDIS is charged and primed. As such, it has shifted its external hatch entry into what I would call, the border ethereal plane. In other words, you will not be able to leave the hatch until you either complete a travel or depress the de-materialization primer button. There will be a power up or a power down kind of sound to help you know if the primer is active or not. Feel free to press and depress it to get the idea.
NOTE: Avoid attempts to leave the TARDIS with these systems energized as there have been some reports that a fatal crash occurs locking the player forever inside the hatch.
Next, go to the large key pad buttons known as the NAV-Computer and click on it; it will bring up the travel menu. from there you can interact with the menu system to do what you please. If you select a location, you will be prompted by a quest on what instruments to interact with during the flight.
I must advise you at this point to not toggle the switches and control knobs during a flight without first being instructed to do so by the quest system. For although I did my best in designing it, the flight system itself is not spam proof and doing so might cause issues, including the creation of orphaned quests. In other words, you might see in your active quest journal to activate a certain control even though the flight had already concluded.
One final note:
Be warned that although you can travel for free, I still implemented some - shenanigans - of my own. Thus, never travel without your sonic handy for it is possible that a serious malfunction can occur. Okay, it WILL occur on the first flight but after that it's kind of rare.
During these malfunctions, you will need to zap the upper row of sensors. Which ones that will need zapping would be the ones that stick out during flight. Zapping them will return the rods back inside the sensor. Which ones that fail are unknowable, but when you are finished you need to throw the switch that your quest tells you to throw, for when completed, the TARDIS will resume its flight as if unabated, giving you further instructions to its conclusion.
When the flight is completed the TARDIS will once again materialize in the prime material plane allowing you to leave in your adventures. There is no need to power down the unit or depress the primer button after a flight. But, it is your choice if you want to keep the lights on as you leave.
Introducing POET to the Mystery Hatch
When I first created TARDIS Reborn one of the first things I wanted was a sorting system. Although it was successful in a broad sense, I was annoyed when I installed other mods that added more clutter and resources. Because of the way I designed the POET, I could not include those items without including a patch to expand it. However, with patches comes issues with compatibility as well as plugin order synchronization and installation.
Today, I just released a new version of the POET, completely redesigned from the ground up. Instead of relying on references installed in the game to sort the items, the system simply reads the item's description script-side and sorts it accordingly. There are tens of thousand of items manually scripted into the POET, including items you may or may not have in your current game. In other words, it it see's it in the sorting box, it will sort it accordingly.
This makes the system not only much faster, but allows additional items to be added into the system without requiring a game restart. It I have an updated database for the POET, players can update that flawlessly into their game without risk of compromising their save.
Because of the new way the system is designed, I have plans to further add to it the ability for players to customize where the POET sort items to. This means that if you have a chest(s) in another home you would rather have certain items sent to, you can do it. Of course, I will put in safe guards so that the container you are selecting is not an invalid one, such as a dead creature or a re-spawning container.
Another improvement is a more reliable menu interaction with the POET hypercube. One notable difference between the Mystery hatch and the Reborn mod is that things are not handed to you on a silver platter. Yes, the POET hypercube exists and yes, it is located inside the Mystery hatch; just have to find it is all. A hint to its whereabouts can be found on a tattered note you find on the skeleton when you sweep up its bones.
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