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Fortune Finder Leveling 1.0.0

Scythe Bearer

2 Screenshots

About This File

The max value the vanilla game has in a Caps Stash is 24 caps.  That seems rather paltry when you are at level 250 and, after a while, makes the Caps Stashes rather disappointing.  So this mod was born.  Now the caps in a Caps stash will level as the player levels and makes looking for those Cap Stashes worthwhile again.  

Level  . . . . Caps
1 . . . . . . . . @ 20         
25  . . . . . . . @ 100
50  . . . . . . . @ 200
100 . . . . . . @ 500
150 . . . . . . @ 1000
200 . . . . . . @ 1500
250 . . . . . . @ 2000
300 . . . . . . @ 2500

On the big jump from level 1 to level 25, up to level 100 the leveling is from the base game, and past that are this mods additions.

This mod has been successfully tested with Fallout 4 version 1.10.980.

This Mod has been cleaned with Xedit 4.0.3.

This mod is available  for Xbox:  https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4241024

This mod may be downloaded for use during gameplay only.  Any other use is prohibited.  This mod may NOT be shared, reuploaded or modified without my EXPRESS WRITTEN permission.

This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.

Edited by Scythe Bearer

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