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About This File

Jimmy's Point



Far Harbor


New location added to the Western Far Harbor DLC worldspace: Jimmy's Point, a fully furnished player home with a very personal story attached. Be warned, it will not be easy to venture in....

Jimmy's Point tells the story of my best friend/girlfriend's father, whom has passed away, in late june of 2021.

In life, Jimmy was a drywaller, fisherman and tinkerer, who struggled with alcohol addiction, and loss of any acknowledgement from most of his children. In his way, Jimmy still loved his children, and in his sobriety, had become a very religious man.

It is my intention to tell the story of Jimmy as tastefully and honestly as possible, while fitting into the fallout universe narritive.

Nearly 30 hours has been put into this project alone, with the great aid of my mother Susan T., who was friends with Jimmy in the real world and my bestfriend/girlfriend (who shall be un-named). Her (Susan) knowledge of Jimmy, has been an absolute boon with painting a much clearer and coherent picture of the very real man who is tragically, no longer with us.

Jimmys Point.jpg

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Not complaining too much I hope but why is this mod not on the Nexus?

I am sure you have your reasons but is so good and I am curious as I think it would do well there.



On 6/5/2022 at 3:09 AM, OnnaChan said:

Not complaining too much I hope but why is this mod not on the Nexus?

I am sure you have your reasons but is so good and I am curious as I think it would do well there.

Hey, sorry I'm just now getting around to seeing this. Been extremely busy.

Short Answer: Why not on Nexus? Because Nexus. I maintain my stance of no longer working with Nexus due to how things had been handled a while back.


Additionally, a new Redux version of this mod has also been released to be properly compatible with my overhaul mod "Delirium", of which, is also found on bethesda net.

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