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  1. alt3rn1ty

    New DNS Server = Fast

    Quad9 DNS Servers https://www.quad9.net/#/ (If you think this has nothing to do with you .. Think again) There's a new bunch of DNS Servers being setup, and already its amazingly knocked my top DNS servers off the top of the benchmarks : Will Quad9 filter content? No. Quad9 will not provide a censoring component and will limit its actions solely to the blocking of malicious domains around phishing, malware, and exploit kit domains. Return to Top How will Quad9 prevent the accidental blocking of legitimate domains? Quad9 implements whitelisting algorithms to make sure legitimate domains are not blocked by accident. However, in the rare case of blocking a legitimate domain, Quad9 works with the users to quickly whitelist that domain. Return to Top How does Quad9 ensure that it has the latest threat intelligence? Quad9 gathers threat intelligence from all its providers and public sources and updates the Quad9 infrastructure with this information. This update happens regularly (several times a day) or may be in near-real-time depending on the ability of the vendor to supply the TI data. Return to Top Why do threat intelligence (TI) providers share their data with Quad9, and what do they get out of it? Quad9 gives anonymized telemetry back to the TI providers only for the malicious domains they share with Quad9. This telemetry does not include source IP information of the users. Return to Top Does Quad9 collect and store personal data? Quad9 infrastructure does not store any personal data about its users. Please read our complete Data Policy here as there are exceptions for harmful attacks against our infrastructure. Return to Top How does Quad9 ensure my privacy? When an entity or an individual is using the Quad9 infrastructure, their IP address is not logged in our system. We, however, log the geo-location of the system (city, state, country) and use this information for malicious campaign and actor analysis, as well as a component of the data we provide our threat intelligence partners. Return to Top What does Quad9 log/store about the DNS queries? We store details of the DNS records queried, timestamp, and the city, state, and country from where the query came. We do not store source IP information of end user queries. Return to Top Does Quad9 share the DNS data that is generated with marketers? Quad9 does not and never will share any of its data with marketers, nor will it use this data for demographic analysis. Our purpose is fighting cyber crime on the Internet and to enable individuals and entities to be more secure. We do this by increasing visibility into the threat landscape by providing generic telemetry to our security industry partners who contribute data for threat blocking. Return to Top How resilient is the Quad9 DNS infrastructure? No infrastructure is 100% safe from attacks and failures. However, Quad9 has built and maintains a very robust and resilient DNS infrastructure, built on decades of past experiences and partnerships in the industry. Much of the Quad9 platform is hosted on infrastructure that supports authoritative DNS for approximately one-fifth of the world’s top-level domains, two root nameservers, and which sees billions of requests per day. There are constantly intentional and unintentional stresses put on this network, and multiple strategies are used successfully to prevent failures. Over-provisioning bandwidth and capacity, engineering multiple layers of caches and query distribution methods, and application-specific isolation or rejection of unwanted traffic all are methods used to provide high uptime. I have tried allsorts of DNS servers, for various reasons, and run Steve Gibsons DNS Benchmark to test them out periodically. I currently have Googles DNS Servers set as Primary and Secondary servers, to test versus this newbie Quad9, and see how it measured up .. Cant beat it with anything in the UK at my location just now, it comes top of the list for speed in 6 runs of the benchmark so far. And it claims to increase your defences against malware, probably uses things like MVPS Hosts file plus others added to their servers, in an optimised server setup = Not a bad thing imho ... Long term reliability is the thing to watch for now, but no doubt it will be well supported by the organisations behind it, it cant be any worse than British Telecoms default DNS servers which are prone to the office cleaner sitting on the off switch anyway How to set it up on Windows 10 : NB : For anyone on British Telecom UK wanting to set your own DNS Servers - You have to go to MyBT and switch off both BT Web Protect, and BT Parental Controls, FIRST : Because they both rely on using BT DNS servers. If you have either of those selected for your internet (and by default they are on unless you specifically go to MyBT and set them to off), when you change DNS server the internet will not work, so go switch them off at MyBT first .. See this support topic where one user had trouble switching them off .. Then you can set your own DNS Servers. If you still get errors accessing the internet after switching off dependant services, and changing DNS servers (you see this page) - Then you may need to just flush DNS cache, and reboot your machine. For other ISP's, your mileage may vary, but it would not surprise me if others also provide similar 'services' which lock you into using only your ISP's DNS Servers. See if you need to close anything down before setting any new DNS Servers. And see if your ISP has any help and support forums where you can find out, or any detailled FAQ / Knowledge base. If you get to a stage where your Internet no longer works, and you cant figure it out .. Just set your DNS Server back to what it was to start with (probably the "Obtain DNS Server Automatically" at step 7 below, look at the screenshot), and reboot your machine. 1. Go to Start and click the Settings Gear Icon 2. Click "Network & Internet" 3. Scroll down and click "Network and Sharing Centre" 4. Click "Change Adaptor Settings" 5. See screenshot below - Right click the network adaptor which is in use (Ethernet or WIFI), choose "Properties" 6. Left click (just once) "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)", so that it is highlighted, then click the "Properties" button 7. Choose "Use the following DNS addresses", then click in the boxes to set your Primary and Secondary DNS Server For example I have set as Primary, and one of Googles ( or for secondary. 8. You can also click on the Advanced Button, and in the next dialogue, click the DNS Tab .. Here you can enter more fallback DNS servers if you wish, and also using the up / down arrows you can position any of them you have highlighted to the top (Primary) position. Then click Okay on all dialogues. ( Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 : look in your SysTray for the Network Icon, right click it and choose Open Network and Sharing, and then go to around step 4. above .. Its all pretty similar from there on IIRC, or go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections ). If you go back to step 5., you can also choose the not in use adaptor and go through the steps setting the same, in case you switch to / from ethernet / wifi at some point. Also at Step 6 above, if you can use "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)" on your Internet connection (or even just wish to set it pre-emptively for when it does start getting used), you can set it to have a Primary setting of 2620:fe::fe for Quad9 DNS Server, and for a secondary if you know of no others Google also has an IPv6 setting of 2001:4860:4860::8888 or 2001:4860:4860::8844 Q. What if I have an ISP provided Router - And the ISP sets its own DNS server in that box, but does not allow the customer to change it ? A. The furthest box away from the DNS server in the chain of hops has its preferred DNS server honoured, so setting this on your computer / laptop will override any setting the ISP has set in your router, because that box is further along the chain. Your Machine (Set to automatic) ------- ISP Router -------- Internet = is used Your Machine -------- ISP Router --------- Internet = is used Setting your own (instead of the default automatic) bypasses any ISP DNS servers, your machines requested DNS server has to be used. ISPs count on users just accepting defaults, and take advantage of that so that all your searches etc go through their DNS servers .. And they log it for sale to marketing and advertising behavior analysis (which probably in turn goes to Data Brokers like Equifax, who lose your data to hackers, who sell it to criminal orgs etc etc), making more money out of you, the ISPs cattle being farmed. If you have a lot of time on your hands, read your ISPs T&Cs and eventually you will find it mentioned (probably with obfuscated wording so it is not easily noticeable). These details in your T&Cs are the kind of thing that get updated periodically and most people cant be bothered reading them. ISPs are Sneaky bar stewards. Top tip : Never use any ISP provided setup CDs. They want to set their own servers directly on your computer behind your firewall they cant get to normally. If you have your own Router to replace any ISP provided rubbish, you may be able to set the Primary and Secondary DNS Server in their aswell, which means all machines in your house using that router (some of which may not be able to set such things as DNS settings, like mobiles or pads or game machines), will also benefit from Quad9's malware / security protection when they request urls on the internet. 15 devices in my house (PS4, WII U, Iphones, IPads, laptops and a few more, plus family visitor devices) going through that Router ^^ all now benefit from Quad9 protection. Press Release and a few Reviews : http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/53388.wss https://www.ghacks.net/2017/11/19/quad9-dns-promises-better-privacy-and-security/ https://arstechnica.co.uk/information-technology/2017/11/new-quad9-dns-service-blocks-malicious-domains-for-everyone/ Also on Security Now! 638 ( Go to time bar at 1:28:35 )
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