Recently I had everything working as intended and when Sharlikran posted this I got excited to try that out, so I did and got Yacoby's WMSA working.
However after a while I notice there were too many bugs, so I decided to back to my previous setup for WMSA and at the same time I also reinstall Morrowind twice.
But now I simply cannot merge any leveled lists into the Mashed Lists.esp with all of this mods installed no matter what I do I can't do that, which has never happen before. Period!
Active Mods Files
So what's wrong have I miss to install something or do I need to either reinstall/uninstall *what*. I've no idea what is WRONG no clue whatsoever.
If that's important I'm running Python 2.7.3, Python 2.7 comtypes-6.2.0, wxPython (unicode) for Python 2.7 (included in the Wrye Python 08 package) in Windows7 Home Edition 64-bit.