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XB1 controller vibrates entering riften


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This has been reported by several XB1 users even last year. Its happening to me now. If I enter Riften by any means, the controller vibrates as if a dragon has just landed nearby. One suggested it was linked to the secret entrance sliding panel - however triggering that button never causes the vibration.

Is there any chance it can be fixed by USSEP?

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  • 1 month later...

There's a patch out now for PC and XB1 called "Riften Controller Vibrations Fix" by Multiphor.

He said: It is actually related to Lost Tongue Overlook near Riften. It's because of a change made to one of the markers there. It's also partly to do with the dragonactorscript.pex file, since the edit to the marker alone isn't responsible.

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Unfortunately, that mod won't solve the underlying issue even if it may appear that way. We looked into it but since it's an engine issue it can't be fixed in the way the author claims according to what Arthmoor told me. Not sure I fully understand the details, but engine bugs are weird like that.

Refer to https://afktrack.afkmods.com/index.php?a=issues&i=21856

It's not something caused by USSEP because it happens in the vanilla game. When I used to play Skyrim on my Xbox 360 console I had the vibration issue in Riften too.

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justafyde, I know you are disappointed but Pete is right. It's just like the mod I designed for colours patches : half-hackish solutions (although they work or seem to work) don't get rid of these kinds of issues, they just bury the issues at a level where you cannot see them anymore and that's the reason why they are not suitable for being included in USSEP. USSEP's goal is to fix properly what can be fixed with the help of relevant and/or official tools. In Oldrim no SKSE plugin/fix was suitable for being included in USLEEP, for example...

Although efficient and/or worthy, this kind of mod is not within the scope of USSEP and should remain separate/stand-alone.

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Hello, I am the author of that mod and I can't find anything in the USLEEP/USSEP changelog that explains why the Is Full LOD flag was removed from the various DragonPerch markers. Can someone from the Unofficial Patch team explain to me why these changes were made? I played Skyrim a lot on Xbox 360 and have never encountered the controller vibrations in Riften. I've only had them with USLEEP/ USSEP installed.

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Those flags were removed because they lead to improper resets of the dragon attack variables. It's why you ended up with Riverwood and Falkreath being attacked all the time. If this flag removal was truly responsible for causing the vibration issue, then why does it not occur for any other city with a dragon lair nearby, like Whiterun or Windhelm?

That sort of thing is why we know it's an engine issue. Riften is not a special snowflake in this regard. There is nothing that sets it apart from any other city with the same circumstances. Getting rid of the vibration issue would in turn cause us to intentionally reintroduce a different bug, which is not something we're going to do.

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@Multiphor : That probably won't help much, but have you tried Open Cities Skyrim and does the issue still occur ?

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Thanks for the replies. I'd rather have the dragon attacks working properly, than have the Riften controller vibrations fixed in that case. It's best to leave this issue alone. I've not tried Open Cities Skyrim, but I will.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to add that removing the flag alone doesn't cause the problem. It happens when you have the USLEEP/USSEP dragonactorscript.pex installed as well. You can reproduce the vibration by simply having the USLEEP/USSEP dragonactorscript.pex installed and a mod that removes the "Is Full LOD" flag from the DragonPerch marker at Lost Tongue Overlook. This is because the game runs the "game.shakeController(95, 95, 2)" function in the EVENT onAnimationEvent(objectReference deliverator, string eventName) section. It probably doesn't matter anyway since it seems to be an engine bug.

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  • 3 months later...

Unfortunately the patch, which did work, has been removed from Beth.net. Not sure why because it worked. Now the vibration has returned.

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