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What happened to Wyrmstooth?


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Just a guess, but recently some authors have been over-reacting to the development of Mod Picker.

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To sum it up - he went nuclear sometime last night. Deleted the copy on Nexus, Steam, and ModDB. Wiped his Youtube account + channels, his Facebook, Twitter, partially wiped the strategy guide on Scribd, his DeviantArt account, Tumblr accounts, and pretty much anything else online he seems to have remembered he had.


This goes way beyond someone who was protesting against Mod Picker. It looks far more like someone who is trying to blackhole their presence on the internet as much as possible.


Best thing I can suggest is that if you still have a copy of the mod, stash it in a safe place with your other backups (you are making backups, right?).

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Oh god... The game guide seems to be still available here. The last version of Wyrmstooth I have is v1.16. Were there any other updates ?

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But why?! SO many wasted weeks and months for this... I know he was doing Skyrim Wyrmstooth manga-like cartoons lately, quite good actually. What happened to that man? :( So sad, whatever the reason. The whole work to go down the drain.


Of course I make the backups. The latest Wyrmstooth that I have is 1.16. Hopefully that's the most recent version?

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Yes, 1.16 is the latest version. Google's cache of his mod page on Nexus confirmed that was still the case on May 1st.

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Wow. Glad I already had my copy...Definitely backing my copy up. I think 1.16 is the latest version.

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And this is precisely one of the reasons why you need to backup modifications that you consider valuable.


even backup Wyrmstooth web page from Nexus. :woot:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if it's really Jonx0r speaking there, but here it is :


Jonx0rTemp 5 points

il y a 1 jour  

Ok so against my better judgement I've decided to write up a short explanation about why I canned Wyrmstooth and my comics. I didn't think it would be necessary to say anything simply because I didn't think many people out there would give a toss. First and foremost though I have to thank and apologize profusely to the people who lent their vocal and musical talent to Wyrmstooth. I just wish I had it in me to have been able to make something that they would've been proud to reference as part of their portfolio.

Long story short, I lost my job and I guess the bitter realization is that some of the thousands of hours I sunk into these pet projects probably should've been spent on slightly more important things, like keeping my qualifications up to date so I wouldn't find myself in this situation. But hey, lesson learned (insert Dark Souls 'You Died' sound here). To me, making mods and comics was like that one good thing in your life that stops you from jumping into your car and driving it off a cliff with Bon Jovi's 'Livin on a Prayer' blaring in the stereo, ending with a dramatic explosion. This wasn't an easy decision to make but unfortunately it was a necessary one. I love making mods and comics, so much so that I don't trust that I'll have the self restraint to simply put them aside even in a situation like this. The Stannis Baratheon choice had to be made (yes I know how he ends up) and even now I'm finding it difficult to resist the urge to just start again from scratch and begin working on a huge mod for Fallout 4, but thinking about where my life will be in the next 6 months if I do is also kinda scary. I didn't enjoy deleting something I spent so much time working on but I know that if I didn't I'd probably be sitting here either working on Wyrmstooth 1.17 or the next chapter of the comic instead of job searching and I'm in absolutely no position to do the former.

So yeah, that's about the size of it. No it wasn't picked for some paid mods thing, no it's not because I got flamed by a troll, and yeah I know you're probably going to disagree with my reasoning.

Next stop Centrelink, all aboard the welfare train. Choo choo!

TL;DR: Lost my job, need to get my life in order, deleted everything because I don't trust I'll have the self restraint to just leave without going back to the thing that I love doing.


Source : https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/4hmdz3/what_is_going_on_with_wyrmstooth_and_its_author/

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Jon said: Ok so against my better judgement I've decided to write up a short explanation about why I canned Wyrmstooth and my comics. I didn't think it would be necessary to say anything simply because I didn't think many people out there would give a toss.

...TL;DR: Lost my job

Bad luck. But some of us do give a toss. You can just leave a message on the mod page and walk away. Or hand it over to someone else. There's always someone who cares.

It's always a challenge when real life intervenes - but isn't modding real life anyway? We know you'll be back once the priorities have been re-aligned. :)

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Speaking from experience, it's incredibly freeing to take down your mods, especially when you're maintaining 30 mods on multiple sites, answering feedback, and making compatibility patches.


To be clear, you do spend the first week wondering if you did the right thing and the barrage of resulting inquiries doesn't help, but then you experience a huge, inspirational boost in productivity in the months that follow.


Most of the work you do as a modder is completely thankless and those parts of the "job" are just not worth your time.

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I would be skeptical as hell that that's actually him. The cynic in me doesn't put it past people on Reddit to fake an account and drop a second response saying it's ok to pass the mod around without some way to properly validate that it's him.

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