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Have any progress been made on the Carry Bucket animation?


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As a matter of fact, I've just recently been looking deeper into fixing this issue. It bugs me too.


The animations themselves work perfectly, there's just something wrong with the execution of it. In a test esp I was able to get my test NPC to perform properly (that's the bucket pour animation), however with some slight issues. The bucket fill animation repeats itself and I haven't figured out why. Also, when I apply what I learned in my testing to the 3 NPC's that should perform this action, they won't even start the package. :X


I haven't given up, just put it aside to rethink. I am determined to get this working! :lol:


Oh, on a side note, the linked "fix" in the bug report turned out not to work properly. It worked once then never again. So it's not a solution either.

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I was able to get this to work by using a couple of xmarkers and a modified patrol package. 


Started by placing the fill and pour markers, then set xmarkers down behind each. Like so... example. Then add an idle timer to the bucket fill (5) and to the pour (8); Then-then linked all those together...


xmarker 1 (behind bucket fill) to bucket fill marker;

bucket fill marker to xmarker 2 (behind pour marker); 

xmarker 2 to pour marker;

pour marker back to xmarker 1 (--Optional, only need the last link if you want the patrol to repeat).


Set up the package using patrol as a template... example.


Added "Carry End" to tell the NPC when to stop with the bucket (directed that to the pour marker) and moved that up to the top of the Packade Data; Set the Patrol Start to xmarker 1 (the one behind the fill marker) *not* to the fill marker itself - Not really sure why this matters, but it does seem to; then set Start at Nearest to false, since you obviously want it starting at that xmarker vs. anywhere else.


Lastly, I added the CarryActorScript to the NPC setting the misc object as bucket01, count to 1, and OffsetStop. 


Doing it this way I didn't run into any issues with the NPC carrying the bucket, pouring the water etc. Only odd thing was the animation itself, since the bucket sort of sags a bit causing it to appear as though the NPC is only holding the one handle. 


Not sure if this helps, but I figured I'd throw it out there :)

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