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  1. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch Version: 2.1.7 By the Unofficial Patch Project Team Download it from AFK Mods Download it from Fallout 4 Nexus Download it from Bethesda.net - PC Download it from Bethesda.net - XB1 Requires Fallout 4 version 1.10.980 or greater. Requires Official Automatron DLC. Requires Official Wasteland Workshop DLC. Requires Official Far Harbor DLC. Requires Official Contraptions Workshop DLC. Requires Official Vault-Tec DLC. Requires Official Nuka-World DLC. Requires Official Hellfire Power Armor DLC. Requires Official X-02 Power Armor DLC. Requires Official Heavy Incinerator DLC. Requires Official Enclave Weapon Skins DLC. Requires Official Enclave Armor Skins DLC. Requires Official Halloween Workshop DLC. Requires Official Tesla Cannon DLC. Requires Official Makeshift Weapon Pack DLC. Requires Official Enclave Remnants DLC. Documentation + Credits - PC, XB1 Documentation + Credits - PS4 UFO4P Discussion Forum on AFK Mods This mod is an effort to fix the vast amount of bugs currently existing in Fallout 4. If you're experiencing a bug with Fallout 4, please report the bug to us in as much detail as possible on the UFO4P bugtracker. Please use search to ensure that you aren't submitting something that is already there. Please also confirm that the bug you are reporting happens with no mods other than the unofficial patches installed. A lot of Fallout 4 bugs are actually the result of other mods doing things they're not supposed to. Thank you and we hope you have a better Fallout 4 experience! If your bugs is of the more important variety, such as a broken quest, broken settlement mechanics, broken perks, etc, you should also submit the report of your issue to Bethesda as well. Use their feedback form to do so and provide them as much detail as you would us. We would all prefer the bigger things to be fixed by them, right? (Note that all fixes are retroactive unless otherwise noted) Frequently Asked Questions - BUGS Frequently Asked Questions - About the Project Mods Made Obsolete by the UFO4P UFO4P Fixes The .esp and .ba2 files have been changed to lowercase filenames. This is to help facilitate universal filename compatibility for Steam Deck and regular linux users whose file systems are case sensitive. Many of them make use of the in-game menu to download mods and Bethesda.net ALWAYS downloads in lowercase. (Bug #34096) UFO4P had an undocumented change to the X01 Torso Lining C OMOD that has now been removed. (Bug #34188) Facegen files needed to be generated for EncWorkshopNPCMaleFarmer05 after fixing their duplicate appearance in 26842. (Bug #34378) Item Fixes The Baseball Launcher [ccSBJFO4003_BaseballLauncher] is incorrectly flagged as a VATS Long Burst weapon. The VATSWeaponLongBurst keyword should not have been applied. Removing this fixes several issues with the weapon. (Bug #34038) Location Fixes Navmesh in POIRJ13 (18,25) [Commonwealth worldspace] was added by the NG update. This navmesh did not take into account edits made by Far Harbor in the same area. This navmesh needed to be refinalized with all of the DLC loaded to ensure it has the correct cell connection data. (Bug #34300) Vault-Tec Office [VaultTecOfficeExt01] is incorrectly assigned to the West Everett Estates location. It should be assigned to VaultTecOfficeLocation instead. (Bug #34368) Navmesh in the farmhouse at Abernathy Farm is partially sunken below the floor, preventing the NPCs from navigating it properly. (Bug #34226) Fort Hagen Satellite Array can't be cleared more than once because the boss NPC does not respawn. The assaultron next to her has been marked as a boss as well. [01007539] (Bug #34210) The USS Riptide is not clearable because the eastern side of the barge is not included in the USS Riptide location data. (Bug #34168) [NR] Mesh, Material, and Texture Fixes The DLC banners for the Contraptions Workshop are incorrectly sized at 500x1024 instead of 512x1024, which can lead to the game crashing. [textures\interface\DLCBannerDLC05.dds, extures\interface\DLCBannerDLC05grey.dds] (Bug #34251) The vault door in the Vault-Tec Workshop DLC had a misaligned polygon when the door plays its open animation. [Meshes\DLC06\Architecture\Vault\WorkshopVaultExteriorGearDoor01\WorkshopVaultExteriorGearDoor01.nif] (Bug #34303) Bus Stop Benches have a pulled vertex on them that creates an unnatural sharp point. Note: This will only address the furniture version of this bench because the static copies are contained in previsbines. [Meshes\Furniture\BusStop\BusStop01.nif] (Bug #33114) Quest and Dialogue Fixes While "Best of Three" [ccBGSFO4046_BestOfThree] is active, it's possible that the perk which allows you to scan Gunner Pip-Boys will cause Virgil to become hostile during the MQ, which will break it. (Bug #34008) Settlement and Workshop Fixes Lucy's bed was isolated by a navmesh precut for nearby scrappable items that prevented her from being able to use the bed properly. (Bug #34226) Placement/Layout/Ownership and Other World Fixes 0017FEA7: Warehouse door which is set to the incorrect variant. (Bug #34318) 085293D9: Fence Post added for unsupported chain link segment. (Bug #34263) 0302F334: Ownership removed from Longfellow's bed to prevent issues with bed assignments for the workshop. (Bug #34227) [PC-Only] 0852D82A: Pipe valves added to cover up exposed 90 degree pipe bend at Big John's Salvage. (Bug #34219) 0006B9F3, 0006B9AF: Beds at Abernathy Farm that cause clipping through the wall when used. (Bug #34226) 0020BC38: Unharvestable Glowing Fungus. (Bug #34111) 00175b63: Floating elevator hatch removed. (Bug #34050) Text Fixes DLC06SecuritySubTerminal01: "DECTECTED" -> "DETECTED" (Bug #34291) DN088_DeansSubTerminalMail: "They me kept redirecting my call for hours" -> "They kept redirecting my call for hours" (Bug #34277) The complete changelog for PC and XBox One is available here.
  2. I cannot post this in the tracker because apparently my account has been rendered obsolete so I need to post it here instead. I encountered a bug. An incredibly annoying unfixable bug which every forum I read says UFO4P is the direct and exact cause. the problem is in nuka world and in particular nuka town. God help me I would so desperately like to speak to anybody but the raiders but that’s all I’m left with. The raiders are the only people I am able to speak to as if I attempt to speak to literally anybody else my character will say something like “hi” or “mhm” and they will give me nothing but blank stares, they won’t even give me the casual npc lines when they’re not quest givers or vendors. They just look at me blankly and do nothing. Believe me if effort could fix this I’d be playing the nuka world dlc right now but unfortunately every single forum I’ve been to says the only fix is to uninstall UFO4P and start a new save as whatever is causing it gets baked deep into your save file. I’ve tried quite literally everything to avoid this, rebuilding my database, exiting nuka world, uninstalling UFO4P. LITERALLY NOTHING WORKS. it is extremely infuriating and has quite literally barred me from the entire dlc. Every forum I’ve been to says the only link is the UFO4P. But don’t worry there’s always the swarm of people willing to tell you that EVERYTHING WORKS COMPLETELY FINE FOR THEM :))). this is a plead for my 100hr save file, please please fix this ASAP. If you need more details I am more than happy to provide but this really breaks my heart as I used to love UFO4P but now it all seems like a waste because I clicked install on this one stupid mod.
  3. Arthmoor

    Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch

    Version 2.1.7


    A comprehensive bugfixing mod for Fallout 4. The goal of the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (aka UFO4P) is to eventually fix every bug with Fallout 4 not officially resolved by the developers to the limits of the Creation Kit and community-developed tools, in one easy-to-install package. Warning: Only use the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch with the latest release version of Fallout 4 patched through Steam! Using it on an older version may cause bugs or things not to be fixed that were advertised as such! It will of course be updated to match each official update, including having fixes removed that are included in official updates. See the full changelog for details.
  4. So it appears we've been hit with an impenetrable roadblock in the workshop system. Bethesda, for reasons unknown, has made some rather... bad changes to how things work. If you don't want to read through the details, the summary of the situation is this: Settlers recruited via the radio beacon (basically all of them really) or settlers placed via console commands (shame on you people!) will begin to exhibit gear, appearance, gender, and even race changes after a certain amount of time. My own testing shows this is tied to how long the respawn timer is for the game. Cut it to one hour, you can get the problem almost immediately. Raise it, and you can probably delay it, but it will cost severely in performance elsewhere. In the end, it's an engine issue we cannot solve. Eventually, just standing around in the cell WHILE THE SETTLERS ARE WITH YOU will result in them changing if you turn your back on them, even for just a few seconds. Thread on Bethesda.net: https://community.bethesda.net/thread/53871 Let them know this needs to get fixed! Anyway, here's the details, as explained by Sclerocephalus: IMO, this may sound a death bell for the project. Settlement issues are a large portion of what's wrong with the game and it has taken him/us 4 iterations of work to get to the point we're at now, and now it's all for nothing. Considering Bethesda themselves screwed this up for reasons unknown, I don't know if we can trust them not to completely screw something ELSE up later on that gets in the way of fixing a broken quest, bad flags on NPCs, or even stuff as simple as fixing typos. We are already operating under restricted conditions with being unable to do any sort of mesh fixes and being severely limited in the ability to do placed reference corrections. Adding all of this makes it even less useful as a project now. Only Bethesda can ultimately fix this, so IMO, people should start directing bug reports to them. Make them realize that as long as they're screwing up fundamental systems for resource management reasons, we can't do anything. There was absolutely no reason to have done this either since NPCs placed via script calls don't need to be persistent outside of their settlements and they had no reason to believe that performance would improve by cycling them repeatedly while you're in the settlement. In fact, logic dictates it does exactly the opposite. A few additional comments from Sclerocephalus:
  5. Daniel.gr8

    Paladin Danse bug

    Hi. I have been experiencing a bug in fallout 4: In the blind betrayal mission, Danse becomes enemies with the brotherhood of steel if you keep him alive, i kept him alive and decided to join the Railroad, meaning I destroyed the Prydwyn and ended the game with that faction. I went back to Listening Post Bravo and wanted him to be my companion, however, when i interacted with him, there was no response! My character would spout: "Excuse me, paladin danse?" and Danse wouldnt reply, I couldnt access the trade menu or engage in a conversation. It would be amazing if you fixed this, as Danse is my favourite companion and it is a damn shame that Bethesda blocked me from engaging with a former companion who is enemies with the Brotherhood because I am enemies with the Brotherhood!! There is no logic! It would really enhance my and others' experience with the game. Thanks
  6. Ok, so for those of you who were wondering, yes, we're planning to go ahead with doing an Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch. It may be a bit early for this, all depends on how aggressively Bethesda begins patching the game, but we figure it's best to get off the ground sooner rather than later so that we know more or less what to expect once the official tools are released. We will not begin any kind of proper work on the first release of the UFO4P until after the official CK/GECK is available. In addition, we probably won't be taking on any mesh or texture fixes until community tools have progressed far enough to handle these properly. Many of them are already making good progress, but they need to be in solid working order before anyone with 3D and/or texturing skills can really do effective fix work. There is little point in trying to fix much of anything until then. For now, just play, and enjoy the game like we are. There's no rush. Post any bug reports you have in our collection thread. This was basically to let folks know that we're on board for this. If you run into a quest bug, script bug, etc, please also report those here: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1544248-bug-report-index-pc/- Bethesda can't attempt to fix what we don't report, and it's best for everyone if they do. The less we need to deal with when the time comes, the better.
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